It's been a while....,: Here I am... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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It's been a while....,

thevvy profile image
15 Replies

Here I am 7 weeks into my Zytiga/Prednisolone journey, and all in all, it hasn't been that bad.

Hot flushes are frequent, but tolerable, and I have been spared the dreaded "night sweats" so I am thankful for that.

Fatigue and lack of energy have set in a bit, but I have been able to push through them and I am still able to get stuff done! Like hunting, fishing and playing around with cars and boats. Oh, and about a thousand jobs a week for the missus, bless her little soul!!

She's finding me a little harder to control now that my libido has gone on permanent holidays somewhere, so she has resorted to cooking delicious meals that grab my attention and pull me into gear!

A little bit of bone pain around T5 and the 5th rib, but that's tolerable with some panadeine of a night.

PSA is still falling, but nowhere near the rate of the first 4 weeks on Triptorelin/Bicalutamide (from 9.9 on 27/02/2018 to 1.2 on 03/04/2018.) Since starting Zytiga/prednisolone it's gone down to 0.97 (13/04/2018), 0.78 (07/05/2018) 0.67 (21/05/2018), so I am hopeful the trend will continue.

Next Skype appt with Onc Dr Tan is on the 15th June. Probably two bone scans in early July, first one will be the normal one (whatever it was) that I had for my original diagnosis, and the second one a couple of days later will be a gallium-68 PSMA PET/CT for which I have to travel to Adelaide ( about 1600 kms/1000mile round trip). At the moment that's gunna be a bit expensive as diesel has hit A$1-55 per litre or about $7-00 a gallon down here!

My head has settled into a nice place and I am very happy as is my angel ... one day at a time ... live for the moment so to speak!! My life is full of laughter thanks to a bunch of crazy mates and my even crazier family! I'm buggered if I know what's gunna happen from one moment to the next!! So busy worrying what they're up to I forget about my journey, for which I am eternally grateful.

I hope all of my fellow travelers are doing well and that they are as healthy as possible!!

cheers for now


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thevvy profile image
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15 Replies
RalphieJr64 profile image

I'm always glad to here that someone in our community is doing well. Keep up the good fight.


thevvy profile image
thevvy in reply to RalphieJr64

Thanks cobber .... trick is to get straight back up as soon as you're knocked down.... and don't let the bastard beat you !!

thevvy profile image
thevvy in reply to RalphieJr64

Thanks Ralph. But I am not naive enough to believe for one minute I am winning .... just beating the bastard back far enough for a brief reprieve before the next attack. I take strength and courage from my Ol' man who was at Tobruk in WW2. If those 27,000 could hold off Rommels 35,000 for 8 months, then I can hold this mongrel off for quite a bit longer!

Keep fighting, laughing and living



Hey thevvy, mates and family , laughter and gratitude. All spell a positive life. Thanks for sharing this format and outlook that we should all adhere to. Enjoy what we’ve got.

thevvy profile image
thevvy in reply to

Thanks LuLu ... I'll send 'em all over to ya for a while .... I need the break!!

in reply to thevvy

I ‘ll take em. My family and friends have been of absolutely no support. I do have an Angel by my side , my foxy wife.A dam Persia movie star goddess.. I’m in love. My family hates me. But she loves me .She is my reason to be alive.. Keep living and enjoying amigo.

dadeb profile image
dadeb in reply to

Famly Schamly. Boooooo👎

in reply to dadeb

91yr old mom just totaled her car , shattered her femor and ribs by failure to yield on a left turn. In hospital rehab.we Drove down after 2days in cabin in co back to az. I’ve been in charge of our group assets by way of family trust since pops shuffled off 21yrs ago. Just found out that 3yrs ago she believed me dead and took me off of even my own assets , no provision for my bride after my death. Got wind of this 1yr ago and got my properties out of that trust. Mom figured I was a goner and wrote me off 3yrs ago. Fact is stranger than fiction. She’s giving everything to friends , distant relatives and two long lost cousins that are now #1 &#2 on her power of attorney and will and trust. If she’d had died and if I had not gotten my properties into my wife’s name we would be on the street and strangers would receive what my father intended for his sons not only for just mom. and all that I had worked for in my life. . My mom , my angel, that was the only person in my life that was always on my side no matter what. Believed me to be dead and would have denied my wishes post Mortum. Forget the $$ although I thought that I’d have some security to pass to my wife or just take the edges off poverty .Whoa. I will still be the only one on my moms side no matter what. I love her and have protected her always even from the rest of the family that hate her because she is very difficult person to be around.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to

You do have some friends in your corner.


in reply to Shooter1

The big guy up stairs my wife and I ..I have a few long time friends scattered in the winds across the globe but only one my friend for40 yrs gives me the old moral support. We knew each other as teens. Enuff of my bs. I thank my lucky stars that I’m alive and have unconditional love. Friend ship is fleeting. Money and health also. Live for today. What happened with that train wreck ? Glad it wasn’t you.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to

Glad it wasn't me too. Luckily it was on a stretch of 25mph track, could have been much worse. Really wrecks your week when involved in fatality event. Been in four over my years on the rail.

Enjoyed your visit.


in reply to Shooter1

I saw that and thought of you “ Holey Moley”! I bet those are tales to tell ?

dadeb profile image
dadeb in reply to

Don’t ever stop the bs. Crazy story about your mom. Write it up and send it to LMN. It’s a great story.

in reply to dadeb

Fact is stranger than fiction. Wish it wasn’t true. Still

Love the old crazy gal to the end. It’s hard to see our parents losing touch with reality and making crazy moves . Take care Dadeb. Unfortunately i have other family stories of deciept and deception especially when it comes to money. $$$$$

in reply to Shooter1

Thanks Doug and Jenny, hope all is well ...

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