New here, one previous post. Age 72, Gleason 9, prostatectomy in February 2018, 2 of 12 lymph nodes positive. PET scan this week in Nashville to determine treatment. I live 280 miles from my MO. Has anyone had experience with receiving local treatment under the guidance of a MO who lives hundreds of miles away? How does that work, or does it?
Is localized treatment possible under... - Advanced Prostate...
Is localized treatment possible under the guidance of a medical oncologist who lives miles away from me?
There are many people that are similar situations. They often have a local general MO and consult with someone who specialises in PCa at a location further away. Is it possible for you to do that?
Once you know specifically what treatment you will need, that may be a determining factor in which facilitity, doctors, etc. you will need. Probably best to wait until you have those answers.
Thanks. your posts are very informative.
My husband and I did this for years. We traveled 4.5 hours every 6 months to every year to appointment with Dr. Myers and had local MO for injections, labs and scans. We ask both Doctors if they minded. Elgie had the scan because he could hardly walk. We went back to local doctor 3'xs. His local kept saying nothing wrong.... go home you're worrying too much. I faxed Dr. Myers the scan report. He said get your husband to the emergency room now and tell them he needs surgery asap. They thought we were crazy. We told them to call Dr. Myers. They did not see the problem on the scan. They did the surgery the next day. It was a schwanoma tumor on Elgie's spine. They said if it would have been cancerous that he would have only had around 15 days to live. We left that local doctor! My point being....... possibly a "special" Medical Oncologist will pick up on things that a local does not see. That happened a few times with Dr. Myers picking up on things. My memories have faded though. OH.....Elgie was in the hospital for a week and doctors couldn't figure out why he couldn't breathe.. sent him home on oxygen......We called Dr. Myers.... He read the newest labs from the hospital.... He said start taking iron. Your iron is low. He told us what to get. He hasn't had a breathing problem since.
Most sincere good wishes,
Why would you be seeing a medical oncologist at all? What you need is a radiation oncologist. Medical oncologists are not specialists in local treatment - they wouldn't have a clue about it.
I'm very interested in this subject an the replies you'll get, I'm in a similar situation, but for oral cancer.BTW, I was treated for PCs about 13 yrs ago (brachytheraphy), PSA still <0.1.
This time around I was Dx'd with cancer on my tongue 2 1/2 yrs ago and treated with IMRT, all seemed ok until 6 mos ago.Reoccurance on My tongue and lower jaw My Radiation Oncologist recommended a maxilofacial surgeon in Jacksonville,FL ( 4 hour 1 way trip) . I've started the process with him, no sched. or detailed plan yet. My concerns are related to follow up and travel.