{from the article- link below} There were numerous complaints made by both physicians and patients alleging that Dr Wheeler made the diagnosis of prostate cancer and prescribed treatment based on prostate MRI findings alone, and told his patients that prostate biopsy should not be done, because the biopsy would spread cancer cells. These patients, being fearful of having "prostate cancer" were encouraged to have immediate treatment. Many of these patients were treated outside of the US , in Mexico with HIFU, under the direction of Dr Wheeler. The problem is that some of these patients may not have actually had prostate cancer and were frightened into undergoing a treatment that they likely did not need. sciontiprostatecenter.com/n...
!Beware of quack docs!: {from the... - Advanced Prostate...
!Beware of quack docs!

Here is a less bias link -health.wusf.usf.edu/post/sa...
A good friend of mine went to one of these places for his PCa and received No real treatment for his cancer. As a result, he just got worse and worse until he died. This "doctor" left my friend's family bitter and in debt. I attended his memorial a few weeks ago.
Stay away from crap like this if you want to live.
Here's a link to where my friend received his so-called "treatment":
IMO Wheeler was railroaded....there is evidence that PCa biopsy does spread the cancer cells...you are sticking a needle in a bag full of cancer and then pulling the needle out..no way some cancer cells are not escaping....how many uro's perform unnecessary RPs...what about when lupron was first approved and the uro's gave every patient with an elevated psa a shot becasue they got a $2000 kickback from drug mfg
The Money is in extending life chemically not in finding the cure...
Looks like the guy was a quack, practicing medicine without a license and ripping off people. I have no sympathy for "doctors" who do things like that.
I actually had a Urologist from my area try to push Provenge on me from day one. Even after prostatectomy (which he did not perform) and undetectable PSA he still asked if I was interested. He finally stopped when I asked him with an undetectable PSA why would you think I need it?? Come to find out he was also a consultant for Provenge and was working on instituting it in a local hospital. Can you say kickbacks??
It is apparent doctors do not always have our best interest in mind with treatment plans. I can list other examples as well. It certainly can be a slippery slope to navigate. It also adds to the importance on knowing this disease and treatment options. I cannot stress enough the importance of being your own advocate.
You said: It also adds to the importance on knowing this disease and treatment options. I cannot stress enough the importance of being your own advocate.
I second that. You are 100% correct. Getting as much knowledge as you can to be your own advocate is one of the most important things we can learn from this IMO.
Doctors are close to thier reps..a lot of money and incentivizing for higher sales and corporate profits. Nothing new there.There will be no improvements Until the lobbyist control of Congress is broken .. good luck there after all we are a capitalist society . Could be worse we could live under some dictator. They can’t complain in North Korea.....
The whole medical establishment is motivated by money....my good friends at The Mayo Clinic call me every 4 months and like the Price is Right "come on down"...each time it costs $3000 for airfare and hotels...I have 4 docs...one at a time I see them all...they are all smiles and shake my hand...then my buddy Dr. Kwon schedules mri..choline 11...pet scan...and Mayo bills my Ins $43000
And we wonder why our medical costs are so high here.
I really liked Dr Kwon. He is a great speaker and like a rock star with his scan. But don’t you think there are now better scans available elsewhere? Plus he always sent out his mini me first to do the heavy lifting.
It’s difficult to tell if you’re serious with all of your joking which I do enjoy.
It s all in good fun.... we need to laugh more than cry..
You are getting fine care... life is more precious than money. You are blessed to able to receive this quality of care.. my Specialist moved to mayo and no way I can see him even self pay if I had the money which I don’t because Mayo Clinic doesn’t except Medicare...patients.. still I’m happy these are first world medical problems , most people in this world worry about food and water...
You must be special. When I called the Mayo Clinic in Rochester they told me to go somewhere else
This scam - using urologists to recruit patients for HIFU, or any other particular treatment - is well established. Most of the doctors profiting from this never get caught or sanctioned in any way. No telling who Dr. Wheeler pissed off, or why.
I was scammed. I wanted a targeted biopsy, instead of just shooting a dozen or two needles into random places. I asked half a dozen urologists if they would be capable of re-examining the same spot, or making sure they were testing a different spot, if there was a second biopsy. They all looked at me like I was crazy.
Perinchery Narayan, MD had a youtube video. "You want a targeted biopsy" he said. It has since been taken down. He has another one now, on HIFU. When I saw him, he claimed to be in independent practice. Now he is chief medical officer for a HIFU mill.
So I arranged to travel to Florida, got a fancy 3T MRI with spectroscopy (a technique being tried at the time to help confirm the presence of cancer with MRI - not used much anymore) and drove 3+ hours to see Narayan. The promise was that there would be a complete radiologists report and Narayan would use that to plan his targeted biopsy.
It was all a lie. The radiologists report was not delivered. Narayan said he didn't need it. When I brought up that I had come to him specifically because he had promised a targeted biopsy, he responded by plopping several large books on the table, and pointing out all the papers he had written.
Appeal to authority. One of the basic logical fallacies.
It turns out Narayan was getting $500 for every patient that he got to accept HIFU. The "targeted MRI" was just a recruiting gimmick to identify potential patients. He admitted the payment to me, face to face. He assured me that $500 wasn't enough to affect his judgement in any way.
Narayan is still practicing. He's careful enough to skirt ethical boundaries without getting slapped down by the state licensing board.
Wheeler's point about the dangers associated with biopsies is correct and well documented. Breast cancer (which gets 7 times the funding as prostate, because women are better at organizing and speaking out than we men) has studies showing that women who get needle biopsies are much more likely to have the cancer spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Prostate and breast cancers have many similarities. They are both exocrine glands, the cancers tend to be hormone sensitive, and respond to many of the same drugs. Proof that biopsies spread breast cancer is all the proof I need.
Wheeler's real crime was depriving local urologists of the fees they get performing biopsies. Urologists have boat and tuition payments too.
They need the money...
GUSGOLD IS CORRECT. Wheeler was railroaded because he steered me and many, many others away from the slice and dice uros.
Example: nearly 30 years ago, the leading urologist in the county where I live sent me a letter telling me I could die in as soon as a month -- but certainly within three months -- if I didn't allow him to immediately remove my prostate. (A biopsy at TURP time had revealed a 1-in-50 likelihood of cancer.)
Wheeler did his spectroscopy and other testing, gave me a 30-page report with photos from his slice photography of my prostate, and concluded that I was more likely to die of old age than PCa.
Not only did Wheeler save me a monetary fortune, but just think of all the misery and suffering he saved in my case.
BTW, the Florida board that ruled against Wheeler is comprised of competitive urologists who did not make surgery fees on me and many, many other Wheeler patients.
Follow the Money.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Saturday 03/17/2018 12:05 PM EDT
(No more snakes in Ireland)
Not Gator Blood...Alibaba...bought a ton of Yahoo at $13 before the idiots on wall street realized Jerry Yang bought 40% of Alibaba from his buddy Jack Ma
Good for you. I was scared of that trade.