Was originally tested 2/16/18 with PSA of 150. Uro recommended 2nd opinion testing. Tested 2nd time on 2/22/18, PSA jumped to 262. Uro recommended a biopsy. Friends who had prostate cancer said do MRI, others said CT Scan. Have an appointment with a specialist on 3/3/18. Can I do all of the above? Waiting for 1 after another test may make it worse since PSA jumped drastically in 6 days. HELP!
Possible Prostate Cancer? PSA of 262 - Advanced Prostate...
Possible Prostate Cancer? PSA of 262

I think you should start with a bone scan/CT - if it shows metastases, there is really no need for a biopsy. If it is negative, all you need for now is a biopsy. With any luck, you will only have a really bad case of prostatitis (which would show up in the biopsy cores) or severe urinary obstruction. An MRI is only appropriate for a second biopsy if the first one finds nothing and PC is still suspected.
There is a need for a biopsy in that the block of tissue can be used for further testing...genetic and other mutations etc. Mine was lost and now I'm having real trouble getting into a clinical trial...also there is much to be learned from that tissue...Gleason scores and maybe a road map to efficient treatments. The biopsy is no big deal...in and out in a few minutes.
Were both of the psa test done at the same lab? I find it unusual to have that much of an increase in 6 days , and suspect something was not right in the testing. Scans would be appropriate, and IMO a biopsy would be indicated. Keep us posted we are all here for you , and many of us have been through similar things in the past.
I had a biopsy, MRI and bone scan to determine complete diagnosis of metastatic (to bones) prostate cancer.
First of all take a deep breath..... Follow recommendations from Tall_Allen and then go from there.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/02/2018 6:11 PM EST
It sounds wrong in six days.
Easy to say. Don’t panick .But don’t . Its a blow . We understand the fear factor. Good job finding this site. Wish I had found it when I was starting this bon voyage. Pray for good, soon you’ll know more. The hardest part is being in the dark., There’s light ahead for you. You will , If you haven’t already start to go on a health kick. Wheather it’s prostatitis or Pc you need to take excellent care of what you eat and live a very healthy lifestyle in order to better your outcome .. get back with results. I’m pulling for you.
Agree with Tall Allen. Doubling rate of 6 weeks suggests a real tough infection versus cancer. In such case randomly poking the gland 10 times with a horse blanket needle would defy medical prudence. Each year hundreds of men contract life threatening infection from the 19th century needle biopsy.
3/15/18 - sorry for late update and thanks for all the feedbacks.
CT showed diffuse osteoblastic lesions in the spine, pelvis and femur. Biopsy revealed Gleason score of 8. Had bilateral orchiectomy, now taking Casodex daily. Will see the Radiologist/Oncologist tomorrow for initial consult and planning for IGRT, potentially for 40 days.
Hi Guy .... similar issues here as well. my PSA started out at 1400 with wide spread metastasis pelvic, spine etc. that was in October past, started lupron with xtandi and now at beginning of March my PSA has dropped to 1.0 and is still dropping. cancer so widespread in me that both my Onc Doc and my GP barely had words to describe it ( Onc Doc said his highest PSA score patient ever tho ) , my GP kinda jaw dropped over scan results ........ still hormone treatment ( xtandi and lupron ) has done wonders for me which shows there is always reason to be hopeful / upbeat and you may have similar results ( with this or a different drug treatment ) as well. there is lots of reason to think that you can extend your life , possibly , by years ... thats a good thing to look forward to. I hope you have results as good or even better than I have, best wishes.
I see this is an old post but I was wondering - did you feel the metastasis in the spine?
My psa dropped to <0.1 shortly after that and been that way since. Back then I had hefty pain in my lower spine, right hip bone , .... a lot of places. Now, even with low psa numbers I have pains similar to what I expect severe Rheumatoid arthritis would be like. My left knee is twice the width of my right knee ... my upper thorax , neck near my skull, hands ... feet .. all over. Mostly short stabbing pains except my left knee. I asked my doctor if it was just Rheumatoid arthritis , she said no ... that with my met load it’s PCa involved bone joint disease.
Could be worse tho ... some of the pain at the era of DX was excruciating. I’m not complaining and I can manage everything ok for now. No biggie . 🥴
I didn’t have the bone involvement but I did orchiectomy also and RT for the 40 days. so far so good it’s worked better than expected. Wish the same for you.. Take care..