Laetrile - Conspiracy Theory or Truth? - Advanced Prostate...

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Laetrile - Conspiracy Theory or Truth?

11 Replies

At the very least, this video will make you scratch your head and wonder...

11 Replies

Dale339 , I was speaking of Laetrile...

Ah, gotcha. 🙂

Robertleeb profile image
Robertleeb in reply to

I believe it really works, my psa dropped to .4 from psa 9 from the Lupron shot and after I started taking the apricot seeds, B17 it dropped to .1 I pretty much ran out but after reading about it was a hoax,I didn't order any more.

I reordered a bag of them recently because I feel the laetrile did work but we have to work with the doctors also, I also changed my diet to 95% plant food. and will start a regime of laetrile/B17 again. I never seen this video before. the reason I started to take laetrile is my radiation doctor told me to take B12 while doing the radiation but don't take any another supplements. I couldn't remember what the vitamin was so I looked up a vitamin that started with B that would help cancer and vitamin B17 came up so I read about it and thought that was what the doctor was talking about, then I mentioned to him I ordered some B17 and he said he didnt say B17 he said B12. I thought well it had some great reading about B17 so I will just keep taking it and see what happens. I feel I was getting great results from it and I won't be taken by others that say its a hoax after seeing this video, we are each on our own path for healing and each of us have believe in what we are doing.

God Bless


in reply to Robertleeb

Amen, Robert. There is a book called "Tripping Over the Truth" that I'd highly recommend. It will really open your eyes about cancer. Also, a great documentary on Amazon about naturopathic treatments employed in Germany. I'll post it when I can remember the name. Long story short, things like supplements, restrictive ketogenic diets, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, etc. can greatly enhance the effects of western medicine.

Robertleeb profile image
Robertleeb in reply to

Thank you Dale339 for your reply it really helped me to learn about FASTING!!!!

I did some research on "Tripping over the truth" by Travis Christofferson and found a video by Thomas Seyfried, it was a revelation to what feeds cancer.

This morning I was watching Pastor Kenneth Copeland and he had a guest (Dr. Colbert) who was talking about his book called, Keto Zone Diet, what was the revelation is they both talk about FASTING.

I watched Dr. Colbert talk about how fasting can make a person more healthier , he mentioned not to eat anything after dinner till the next morning. and he said do it for 2 weeks and see if there is a noticeable change. he also said if it would be great to actually live that way and a person can live a happier healthier life. then I read your posting, dale399 about the book. "Tripping Over the Truth" by travis Christofferson. so I looked up the book's title and found a video by Thomas Seyfried, both Dr. Colbert's book and Thomas Seyfried video talked about FASTING. he mentioned how cancer can be stopped, what he said by Fasting 24 to 48 hrs that the cancer can be stopped, to reduce the growth of cancer cells is simply to starve their food sources such as glucose and glutamine-rich foods, so fermention and glutamine actually feeds cancer and by fasting it can stop cancer.

I recently have been a reborn Christian because I had a dream the holy spirit came to me and said, "Not to Worry" then 6 months later I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, so I realized the holy spirit was telling me to have faith, I do have faith but there seems to be a path that God is taking me on. one is to believe in the lord with faith and the other is to be knowledgeable about my cancer like every one here.

I am also taking Apricot Seeds or also called Laetrile everyday. I read about all the new cancer treatment here because we are all looking for protocols that will have a cure. I had radiation treatments and also a Lupron shot. so I see the doctors are doing multiple treatments at once to knock out the cancer. I feel that doing my part to work with the doctors I can add more muliple treatments that they don't recognize .it can only make the cancer have a harder time trying to survive. today I will start my fasting after dinner around 5pm and not eat anything till 9am.I will be doing a regime of fasting like that, I am also a diabetic type 2 so I don't want to try the 24 hr. fasting it could be dangerous for me but to help to keep my PSA at .1 would be the best results for me and when I get a CT scan in April also a PSA. that is my goal and if it works , I know everything I am doing is working. here is that video that Thomas Seyfried talked about what feeds cancer, I would say to watch the whole video to get the best results. it is over a hour long but well worth it .

Thank you Dale339 for that is what HealthUnlocked is for to help each other live a longer healthier life.

I also started reading the Bible which I never had before and they mention about Fasting a lot , I thought it was only to honor God and now I think God is giving us a message.

God Bless


ctarleton profile image

Some more food for thought.....

in reply to ctarleton

Interesting. I think he's wrong about cancer being a dietary disease. I believe it is a metabolic disease and diet can definitely impact it and sometimes even halt it. I looked at his website too and it definitely has overtones (to me) of lunacy. Plot everyone on a bell curve. The far lefts on one end and the far rights on the other end are (in my opinion) out of touch with reality. I think he might fall at the far right of that curve, but what do I know. Thanks for sharing.

AlanMeyer profile image

I watched only parts of the video. I had a tough time with it. I won't bore anyone with my opinions, but I do recommend that everyone interested in laetrile go to the National Cancer Institute website at:

Type "laetrile" in the search box and start reading.


lewicki profile image

Thanks for posting this. Buying a bag of seeds.

lewicki profile image

Just watched this. Thinking of buying a bag at Amazon.

kaptank profile image

This stuff is actually quite dangerous. It contains cyanide and even a moderate dose can kill. A sub fatal dose will still do damage. Cyanide is not to be taken lightly.

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