Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer April 2011.Gleason 7 (3+4)T2C.No Conventional tx.Maintained with strict no to low carb organic diet.Integrative tx in Reno NV (Dr James Forsythe).Supplements,exercise,infrared saunas.I am interested in hearing from anyone who has tried Medical Cannabis for Prostate Cancer tx. Thank you
Prostate Cancer: Diagnosed with... - Advanced Prostate...
Prostate Cancer

What was your PSA back in April 2011 what is your PSA now?
Interesting that you ask this. I actually spoke to someone on the phone TODAY who used cannabis oil to treat his prostate cancer. He was diagnosed two years ago. He did not remember his Gleason score from the biopsy, only his initial PSA which was 12.8. He decided to self-treat with CBD oil and within three months he got his PSA down to 3.8 and it has been there ever since. He gets the cannabis oil from Garners Health supply and it is called Palmetto Harmony. I plan to take it myself, along with conventional western medicine and treatments. Not sure if it will cure anything, but it is supposed to promote a sense of well being. Check out Dennis Hill's story on cureyourowncancer.org. He is a biochemist and supposedly cured his stage 3 prostate cancer with cannabis oil. He gives a very detailed and in-depth description of how it supposedly works.

I just, I am wondering if it reduces inflammation in the prostate. I just saw a utube presentation about how vitamin D3 4000 mg a day was given to 100 men with PC and and a placebo was given to another 100 men.
Both groups all got a RP.
When they dissected the men's prostates that got the sugar pill the inflammation markers were high the vitamin D3 group had low levels of inflammation.
hello,lafleur.Ken D. here. I use cannabis oil daily,before bedtime to relax me and help me sleep.I also did 60 grams of oil from sept till end of nov. of 2017,along with lupron injections every 3 months.psa went from 72 down to .1 in 3 months. Also i eat the oil ,cannabis is to strong for me to smoke.
I do the same , and I’ll most likely continue for some time. Enjoy life!
have you seen studies that prove infrared sauna slows cancer progression. I'm thinking of buying a house and putting the sauna on the deck, just so I can use it daily.
Infared sauna is well accepted By holistic medicine. plus it makes you feel great afterwards. Melts joint and muscle pain and improves sleep . That’s been my experience. Slows progression, can’t say that. Very benificiary to overall heath. Helps sweat out some of the toxins that we accumulate. Do anything to feel better. It’s good medicine.. Good luck !