I came across this in my e-mail feed. I have an upcoming appointment with Dr. Kim on 2/6. This can be a real game changer for guys like me.
I came across this in my e-mail feed. I have an upcoming appointment with Dr. Kim on 2/6. This can be a real game changer for guys like me.
There is more and more evidence showing the value of removing the primary source of cancer, the prostate. But you may have to argue your case. Almost two years ago I had to have a very, very vigorous discussion with my surgeon to operate even though the cancer had spread to the pelvic area. For me it was the right choice.
Good luck with your meeting!
Good luck
Do we have folks on this site who are five plus years survivors of stage 4 who did not have their prostate removed? There’s so many differing opinions from the doctors and institutes it makes your head spin.
Only through the Grace of God, I am approaching 12 years out no local therapy, though I did have it radiated last fall. Dxed 2006 , Gleason 10, bpsa 148 M1B &L , stage 4 ,never had undetectable psa, Though if I had it to do over , I would do early chemo , try to get psa and scans undetectable and have surgery to debulk the cancer. Good luck whatever you do
Yes we do me! I had my prostate removed on February 28,2005! I am in remission! I thank my Surgeon who was well skilled and my Medical Oncologists and all the Nurses, Medical Assistance's who have taken care of me! And above all I thank God every morning too!
I agree completely.
Hi Frank,
Presenters talked about this approach at the Prostate Cancer Research Institute annual conference in 2015. They called it "debulking," reducing the bulk of PCa in the body. It is very well worth considering if Dr. Kim recommends it to you. Best of luck!
I just went thru the same predicament. The general message from this community has been to do the "debulking". I spoke to my MO and the message was: it doesn't make any difference in overall survival. Given the mounting evidence, I consulted with the chief Urologist from the same practice who recommended I should do it. There's also a separate clinical trial going on right now inside the practice, run by a prominent Oncologist who believes it actually helps (and in certain cases may lead to cure). So I'm scheduled to do the robotic RP in April. It might have a few side effects (ED+incontinence). I'm addressing both already prior to surgery via medication and pre-hab exercises.
Hi Frankenski
You are about 5 years younger than me and I hope whatever you choose it is a right decision.
You mentioned you suffer some strange symptoms before like painful urinating and very bad headache for years and you pull through.
For me I am still living this quality living.
I had gross haematuria for 18 days now and it clears up (on and off).
Blood and urine analysis shows no infection and kidney and other organs functioning OK apart from this dreadful cancer.
Yesterday I was able to enjoy 18 holes golf and returned to work (6 hours)
After golf my haematuria was bloody (physical exertion) and after 6 hours of work it is quite as bad if not worse.
Before I went to bed I took 1 Ural in a glass of water.
This morning at 6:30 am I was analysing my Urine & Saliva. My Urine & Saliva pH 8.0 and 7.0
Wow this is amazing and on top of that my Urine appears Clear. The other thing I noticed my Ery/Hb had gone down to 150 (previously it is always over max 250)
This is really a relief.
I think my treatment is showing some results now.
Tomorrow I am heading for CT and Bone Scan.
The reason is that I am trying to give medical evidences to all unbelievers.
Let's hope my hypothesis is right.
I hope I did not bore you and thanks for your patience.
Not at all, not AT all! We all have to steer out boats in our own way. It took me eight years to figure out what I need, and where I want to go. I'm not the smartest guy, but was in my sixth grade class, but I know for sure, I'd be better off with the thing out. What I want in this escapade we deal with.
Hi Frankenski
I hope you are aware I am curing/managing my cancer with low grade household baking soda. LOL.
Obviously I have refined the system.
If my hypothesis is correct I am going to be popular if people admitted it comes from me.
What's some wishful thinking???
I've been using baking powder, maybe that's why I'm puffing up.
Hi Frankenski
Thanks for being honest and frank.
At least now I have more confirmation that I am heading for the right direction.
Having you being checking up on my bios.
I was on Stage 4 D2.
I am writing and laughing.
Maybe "Laughter is the best medicine "
and I am heading for a cure.
No, Roland, I haven't looked at your info, but I will. On the funny side, you are "Stage 4 D2", does that mean it took two digits to figure it out? Humor is the best medicine.
Hi Frankenski
Just to satisfy your curiosity.
I was diagnosed on 28 October 2017 when I had my Cystoscopy then with biopsies from left,right prostate and resect sample from right ureter and junction prostate and ureter had Gleason 5+5=10.
So it took me 75 days to work out.
Thanks greatly to my kind gesture when I donated $4000 from my own pension fund money.
Now having past 75 days I am more confident of my treatment/regime.
Thanks for listening and your patience.
I'm with that attitude!