In May of 2017 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer psa 6.4, gleason 4+3, T2c. In July 2017 I underwent a RRP and pathology was upgraded to gleason 4+4 tertiary 5 with T3a specimen confined disease. Three month follow up was psa < .1 and I am worried about the results of tomorrows test.
Six month follow up tomorrow - Advanced Prostate...
Six month follow up tomorrow

Easy to say but hard to do, but try not to worry. Defy the beast by having a good evening.
I know where you are right now. Sometimes the wait for the test can get you more than the results! Hope you have a good outcome!
Yes, the anticipation and one's imagination can make waiting difficult and anxiety provoking. Usually, each practice has some sort of patient information portal, usually some version of "My Chart". I found that I could sometimes get my results in advance of my visit (note that sometimes the doctor won't release that information until after the appointment). Finding out in advance is a double edged sword, as the news can be not what you wanted or were expecting and might increase your anxiety, without a medial professional to answer your questions.
In my case, I preferred getting the information in advance ( good or bad) because it gave me time to consider relevant questions I wanted to ask in my appointment, rather than having to think of them while trying to process the medical information.
Good luck. We are all praying it continues to be good news!
We all worry about our Psa tests . But at least our disease has an alarm system , unlike most other cancers. You learn to live with it.
Our journeys may be similar. Your post op PSA is a good start. There are many treatment types left if surgery does not work
me thinks you've got life by the giblets... Stop worrying... that'll eat you up...
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Monday 01/08/2018 8:45 PM EST
Waiting & not knowing sucks! If we are lucky enough to live along side this APC for some time it is always about waiting and checking .. It could drive you nuts or worse.. We all have the same worries ,emotions and put my self through mucho grief and worrying and all of the above cause stress and produce negative hormones that are bad for PC.If you can ACcept that we have this and we need to deal with it positively.You will be better off immediately. This is a chance to look for the truely meaningful things in life.Hopefully you’re doing this already.I wasn’t ever sick in life before my diagnosis. Hearing that we have the dreaded “C” shows us our own mortality. It’s horrifying at first but with time you’ll adjust.. Let us know your test results.. Once you know more you can get your questions answered by the knowledgeable folks here. You can and will survive with pc .. Choose to live choose to fight hard and you will be around for a looong time..
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. My results were psa <.1 thus I get a follow up every six months now.