Diabetes with my cancer: I have type... - Advanced Prostate...

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Diabetes with my cancer

auroracham profile image
20 Replies

I have type 2 diabetes. Lupron, Prednisone, Zitiga all driver up blood sugars. They keep changing my diabetes meds trying to get my sugars down. Ipeed seven times over night. Anyone else dealing with this? I haven't seen anyone mention it.

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auroracham profile image
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20 Replies
YostConner profile image

The drugs triggered diabetes for me. I’m currently on four oral diabetes drugs. I see a nutritionist to help me keep things in control.

auroracham profile image
auroracham in reply to YostConner

I am on an insulin shot daily plus three oral meds. Getting better since they recently added Jardiance which makes you pee out the sugar, but peeing so often drives me crazy.

truckerbob profile image
truckerbob in reply to YostConner

Yost, I had diabetes bad and found out it's possible to put it into remission. See my latest post I answered someone else's question. My doctor told me I put my diabetes in remission and to keep up the good work. Dietdoctor.com or the obesity code podcast on iTunes

Are you taking Metformin?

auroracham profile image

That was the first thing I was on six yesterday ago, and still talked 1000 mg twice a day.

Robertleeb profile image

Hello Auroracham, I am a diabetic type 2 also, I was having problems with my numbers when I would check with my blood monitor it would be high for a long time over 200,even after I took my Metphormin . so I decide to change my diet drastically . I stopped eating potatoes, only a couple of slices of multigrain bread a week. and cut my pasta intake in half. after a few months of doing this, I noticed my numbers started to drop and when I went to my primary doctor I mentioned to her that I have noticed my blood numbers are not going over 160 after eating and a hour later it drops around to 105 and my A1c is actually was 6 and normal is 5.7. so I feel my diet really made a difference, the reason I felt I had to change my diet was dealing with 2 illness can make each other worse if I didn't . I am also doing cannabis oil and CBD also supposed to help diabetics and cancer patience . as part of my protocols one to one along with diet change, yesterday I had a PSA test and when I was first diagnosed it was 7 then a couple of months later it went up to 9 , then I got the lupron shot and doing casodex nightly. it dropped to .4 a few weeks after the shot. my test yesterday it was .1 after doing 3/4 of my radiation treatments. I feel doing the all the protocols from the doctors , changing my diet and I won't say if the cannabis oil and CBD is working from my own personal protocols. but I not going to change anything because I believe everything I am doing is working, I can tell you the brain fog from the Hormone shot and casodex can make me forget things, my cancer doctor told me her recommendations are to do the Lupron shot for 2 more years , I think I will wait to get a CT scan and see if all worked. I have read about some prostate cancer survivors doing lupron and taking a break and watch to see if the PSA starts to rise. I might be interested in that but at this point my main concern is to keep my psa going down slowly. I also read that taking Metphormin is used in prostate cancer to slow down the cancer from moving , you might want to do some research on that. but I take 500 mgs twice a day, I hope this helped in anyway,I would also say I have read so many postings here to get educated, and to me that is the most important thing to do dealing with our illness. also I found all the good and positive survivors are willing to share their knowledge and god bless them for that, it made things a lot clearer for me instead being in the dark with no knowledge of what I am dealing with, you can't always get direct answers from a doctor so the balance between reading the postings here and my doctors information about protocols can make a difference.

God Bless us all here!


auroracham profile image
auroracham in reply to Robertleeb


Thanks. I take 1000 mg of metformin twice a day. My PSA was 104.77 in July and is now 2.65, and dropping. My cancer is advanced, and has metastasized. I am on Lupron, prednisone, and Zytiga, and four diabetes meds. The peeing drives me crazy. Sleeping is hard enough, but peeing every hour makes it worse.

Robertleeb profile image
Robertleeb in reply to auroracham

I was dealing with dribbles or very narrow stream, and getting up with that feeling of having to urinate right now and at least 4 or 5 times a night couldn't get any real sleep. I'm not sure if your dealing with same problem I had, I did get Flow Max from the doc and now I am urinating with a full flow. it was so hard dealing with my problem one night I thought I would have go to the ER for a cath procedure but I stood long enough and concentrated to create that feeling of I have to go, and I finally was able to go. I don't know much about prednisone, and Zytiga, there are P survivors here that would know about that

God Bless us all here


in reply to Robertleeb

My stream has gone from robust to a weak dribble in the last couple of weeks. I put in a call to my urologist this morning. I hope I can avoid an ER visit. Emptying requires two stages: sit and give it a go, which produces some flow; wait five minutes, sit and produce more, hopefully emptying the bladder. These kinds of problems make me very anxious and a bit depressed. I know what the medical term 'retention' means and I dread it.

Robertleeb profile image
Robertleeb in reply to

Try the flow max, I started last week on it and it really made a difference, I thought I would have to go to the ER, I even thought of buying a catheter for back up. one in the car and one at home. I still am because I don't want that feeling I have to urinate I really can't, plus I don't want the urine to back up in to my kidneys that is so dangerous. you have do something soon.

God Bless


in reply to Robertleeb

Thanks. What worries me is that I've used flowmax in the past when I had BPH. I had TURP surgery years ago, which fixed the problem. I had HIFU surgery a year ago and no problems after that. So what is going on now to cause this?

Robertleeb profile image
Robertleeb in reply to

I didn't know about that, until you get with a doctor you might want to have a catheter close by for backup, if you haven't used one before? I don't know if you need to get a prescription. I am going to ask for one for a emergency situation.

pjoshea13 profile image

It's common for men with PCa to have started out with the metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes or diabetes. The loss of testosterone during ADT just makes matters worse.

Two things can help.

Strangely, a short burst of intense exercise can have a big effect on blood chemistry. Not necessary to run 10 miles to achieve that.

A Mediterranean diet (40% fat) may help. High-carb diets make no sense while on ADT. IMO


BigRich profile image

For years, I was able to keep my A1c at 5.8 and glucose at 125 without drugs, just with diet. I am on the same ADT drugs. Last week, my A1c was 7 and my blood glucose core was 156.

Well, time to up my game.


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply to BigRich

High Rich

We ate Advanced PCa Stage 4 Does the glucose score Jane any significant correlation? By the way there is always another better day tomorrow that is if your really feel depressed.

I have a good attitude so I don't let my ailments bother me. I am always careful when I have to put my signature down whether treatment, car purchase, house borrowing, any loan for that matter. If you over stretch you will be stress and live a live ( like a prisoner foot in a chain) bonded slave.

At the moment I am stress free. No debt no mortgage no pain no fatigue so I will do the things I like.

This is quality living.

Hope I am able to influence you.

Positive thoughts can heal.

auroracham profile image
auroracham in reply to BigRich

Thanks Rich. My a1c jumped from 7.5 to 9.8 since the three cancer meds in July. They have been changing my diabetes meds constantly. My guess is that it is now dropping. Evening sugars were around 300, mornings around 145, now 225 and 105. So much better. They will recheck my a1c in a month and see how it has improved.


BigRich profile image


Thank you for your concern. I am blessed. I am one of the most positive fellows you will ever meet. You have the right attitude. Keep up your good thoughts.


JimVanHorn profile image

I have had diabetes for 45 years and PCa for 11 years. I have had 72 radiations (42 in 2007 and 30 more in 2011 when they found metastases. I have been on Lupron 6 years with PSA 0.00 for 6 years. I have had a hard time with diet and exercise, because of a bad heart and kidney disease. My A1C is 6.9, but what I found was that is that by increasing my insulin shots (along with diet) I have control over my diabetes. I use 100mg of fast acting insulin (sliding scale) and 106 units slow acting insulin daily. By increasing insulin I no longer have lows and highs and feel much better. I also take Tradjenta tablets. When I was first diagnosed with PCa I thought I was going to die so I over ate for about 3 years, but now I feel in control because of my doctors, I see a beautiful future again! My urine problem comes and goes and I have cystoscopy procedures, because of blood in the urine (I am on Coumadin and Plavix anticoagulants for heart). I use urine pads and pee about 3 times a night. This sounds like a lot for a 72 year old, but my life is really quite normal. I have 7 doctors and take 22 medications. I keep a positive attitude and keep going. Happy holidays to everyone!

truckerbob profile image

I have aPC last 30 months. I had diabetes A1C of 7.9 and glucose into the 500's. My PCP wanted to put me on insulin. Someone emailed me dietdoctor.com And I found out that diabetes can be reversed and put into remission with either a low carbohydrate high fat diet (LCHF) or a ketogenic diet. I went on a ketogenic diet and A1C dropped to 5.6 in 6 months. My PCP took me off my statin drug because my cholesterol had near perfect results after an NMR lipid protein test. I lost 45 lbs and my inflammation went away resulting in my edema and arthritis going away. I mention all of this to let u know that it is possible to get rid of diabetes thru diet alone. This is how diabetes was treated before exogenous insulin was invented and how it should be treated still today. Big pharma, corporate agriculture, the ADA and the AMA will never tell you this as they want to sell drugs, surgery and processed food to us even though by doing so it will make us sick. Listen to a podcast by Dr. Jason Fung called the obesity code or go to Dietdoctor.com to learn about LCHF or Ketogenic diet. It won't cure our aPC but it will make us healthier and better able to withstand the symptoms and treatments.

Scruffybut1 profile image

I was well controlled T2 when dxd with PCA Oct '14. Stage 4, G9, 167 PSA, 12 core biopsies all cancer. My GP and I ran full diabetic tests as a baseline against what PCa drugs would do. Totally messed up as we predicted. All prostate meds disrupt diabetic drugs. Am now on Insulin, dose 36 twice per day. Remain on Metformin taken since 1990.

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