Has anyone had their biopsy tissue go missing. I was all set for a trial, but without the tissue I'm screwed...with my pants on.
Missing tissue: Has anyone had their... - Advanced Prostate...
Missing tissue

You can always get another biopsy. If you know in which core(s) they found cancer, just get that one - possibly two in the same area.
Should be zero problem. Plus the facility that had and lost your specimen should do it and give you a refund for the other 10 cores you dont have. (maybe)
Curious about the trial... What is it, and where?
They could do a biospy as well if they felt motivated.
I read it as a court trial.?. But, I'd be in the same boat, if I needed mine.
Since he wants the tissue, I guess that it is for DNA testing, and since spit is not a good enough substitute, it is for DNA testing of the tumor as opposed to inheirited DNA. Or it could be to see if ARv7 is an inclusion criterion. But I'll go with low P53 proof-reading protein failure as an inclusion criterion. Obviously a shot in the dark.

I think they want a positive biopsy to compare it to because the trial possibly involves an Anti-PD-L1 Antibody.
My last slides went to San Diego for a drug study. So, if I need more I need a new biopsy. The ARV7 is a blood draw. 12/31 is my eighth anniversary, and I don't plan on having another biopsy again. It's all going to come from the blood in the future.

If only the trial permitted that.

All the cores were positive, but the prostate has been radiated. All my mets are in the bone and they don't think they can technically get a biopsy. This is the trial...A Study of Atezolizumab (Anti-PD-L1 Antibody) in Combination With Enzalutamide in Participants With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostrate Cancer (mCRPC) After Failure of an Androgen Synthesis Inhibitor And Failure of, Ineligibility For, or Refusal of a Taxane Regimen (IMbassador250)
But Wrando doesn't say how long ago his biopsy was done. Mine are well beyond 10 yrs, so I really didn't expect them to be retained....unless I had requested transfer to me.