Hi dudes.... I'm a 57 year old builder from New Zealand. I was diagnosed at 54. I had a psa of 5.6 but a very large tumor which had spread to the seminal vessels. I've had radiation and a year ago had my nuts out as I didn't want the chemical crap in my system after reading up on the side affects. I've been in remission since the nuts left. It was an easy decision as I'd lost all feeling in the third arm as the cancer had eaten into the nerves. I guess we all have to choose a road to travel and then stick to it. Things could be worse after all....
First post: Hi dudes.... I'm a 57 year... - Advanced Prostate...
First post
Here's to continued success!
Hang in there! No question about it, the side effects of treatments for prostate cancer suck. There is one good side effect that makes all the others manageable, time. Time to enjoy life, family and friends.
Absolutely right....
Holey Moley!! You. Are back. .. great news . I missed you . I’m happy you’re back...🤙🏽
Kiwidave- I'm also new to this great blog! I'm a Kiwi at late youth (59) living in Perth. Diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago with a PSA of 40, 5+4 on the G scale. I had my prostate, 800 gram tumor and most of my bladder taken, along with all lymph nodes. Chemo worked for 8-10 months then went to Lucrin shots which worked for a further 10 months before my PSA shot upward. My Oncologist put me on Xtandi Enzalutamide and my PSA fell right back to 0.01. The side effects of the Xtandi are really hard to take in terms of fatigue as I work hard an travel the pacific constantly with my job. I'm very keen to hear you've gone for the surgical castration as like you, my meat and veg are no use to me any more apart from watering the lemon tree. In my mind, at least that'll rid me of the Lucrin shots. BTW my meds are costing about $5500.00 per month of which I pay $80.00 of that with Mr. Turnbull picking up the tab - do you have that subsidy at home?
Anyway best of luck and the support on this forum is so good!
Kia Kaha.
Great post. You’ve been thru hell. $$ are rediculous . I wish you better health and luck in all of this turmoil..
Hey Napper 01.....are you still on board ?
hay Napper01 are you still on board?

Yes indeed, just been travelling..how’s things Dave?
Good to hear...sorry for not replying to your post to me, i wasnt on to it.... in reply to your question of med costs,pretty much all of our treatments in N Z are free as long as the are pharma approved. I am still in remission and have been since the jewels were taken. The side effects are much the same as lucron etc i gather, but i have no pharma shit in the system at this stage which has to be a good thing....long may that last. I hope that you are well and life is good for you.....take care and stay well ,cheers Dave
Napper - Have a look at the Theranostics Australia web site. They are based in Perth. My brother had a very successful outcome (to date) with their PSMA Lu-177 Therapy.
We have much in common. Dx At 54 now 57 , chopped the boys, and no-vis-signs for 2 yrs.Im told by my specialist that this type of ( no signs) typically can last 4yrs but maybe we can extend that. All we can do is try to live our life fully although we are diminished greatly.. find some fun .Im transporting rattlesnakes away from my yard in the desert. 2 , today , that’s a good day.. I was told “ you’ll never see eighty” and that “ Prostate Cancer WILL kill me “ only god knows. I could get hit by a bus or fall off a cliff . Truth be told my life will be cut short . Make the best of each day... that’s it .. Take care..
70 is my first target.....then i chase 80... like you say the bus or cliff can peel us out too. I live life as full as i can, there are no sexual feelings or thoughts in my make up now and strange as it may sound i do not miss it because it isn't a part of me anymore. I have a freedom that most men don't, i have nothing to prove as a sexual beast anymore ... i feel good. We do have a lot in common and where you live sounds like a cool spot. Winter is on its way here and the firewood shed is well full, as i type i'm in front of my open fire. I wish you peace and freedom..take care.
To Kiwidave, different side of the planet, 100 f here summer is starting.. Keep that fire stoked and stay well friend down under..
I get it, mr happy doesnt make any dappearances for me as well during the day.At night I’m like a rock most of the night. And I ve chopped the balls. Now I ve just got to get my wife on board. She has no idea. For a year and a half I had a foley and tubes out of my back. She couldn’t touch me or get near me . Some of that is still in her mind.,Also I’ve acted like a jack ass to her displaying fits of rage for throwing mylife and hers away. I’m over that now. I need to work my way back in with her.. married after dx 3yrs ago. Let’s say “ Wasn’t much of a honeymoon.. she loves me so I still have a shot .. Not so much for myself but to please her is my reward and that is heaven for a man . I’m sorry for all the men that have permanent ED. I have friends that had ED in their forties due to blood pressure or things beside PC. I feel for them too. In 3yrs we’ve made love only 3 times, all after the tubes were off. Best 3days of my life. Dr told me that RT on top of adt would be the nail in my coffin for mr happy. He was wrong. Hopes on the horizon for us. I just need to control my negative moods and maybe she’ll come back to my side of the bed.. .never told anyone that, sorry to vent.. take care..
What a ride! We are on Kiwidave... Keep on keepin on....
Hey,I haven't been on here for a good while....are you still breathing?