Experience with Dr. Mark Scholz? - Advanced Prostate...

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Experience with Dr. Mark Scholz?

vandy69 profile image
17 Replies

I am actively looking for a replacement Med Onc since Dr. Charles "Snuffy" Myers is retiring.

Anyone out there have first hand experience with Dr. Mark Scholz of Prostate Oncology Specialists in Marina del Rey, CA?

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vandy69 profile image
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17 Replies
Neal-Snyder profile image

motosue on this site speaks very highly of him. Chuck Maack does too. I'm going to see him in 2 weeks.

patandemma profile image

I have been a patient of his for the past year

He was recommended to me by another pt who had ben going to him for 16 years.

He will NOT attempt to take care of all your non-oncologic medical problems as Dr Myers apparently felt obliged due to the inadequacy of so many primary care doctors he dealt with.

Dr Scholtz is totally networked with the small fraternity of oncologists nationally who practice prostate oncology exclusively.

He has organised an annual meeting to which many of the big guns in prostate oncology come to speak of their approaches

As a consequence,like Dr Myers he knows what all of these doctors are doing. He is agressive in his approach to cancer. He is not tied into a medical school so he is not bound to any rigid protocols. He is well aware of the most promising clinical trials and participates in several.

As a physician myself,I would recommend him,especially if you are living in the Southern California area

podsart profile image

Is dr scholtz the dr that dr Myers recommended for your replacement?

DRBlack profile image

I just met with Dr. Myers. He wants me to go to Dr. Oliver Saltor at Tulane University. Dr. Myers said that he is a longer version of him.

bldn10 profile image

I traveled from Memphis to Boston way back early in my recurrence to see Dr. Sartor when he was at Harvard. I was hoping for something out of the box but he just said I should have SRT, that the chance of cure was small but the only one I had. I already knew that. Myers would have put me on his growth arrest program. But lately I have noticed Sartor's name popping up w/ more novel opinions.

vandy69 profile image

Thanks to all for the input on both Dr. Scholz and Dr. Sartor. I may try to meet both of them.

in reply to vandy69

I wouldn't select a replacement without at least studying the website (that will take 2 or 3 days) of Dr. Bob Leibowitz of Compassionate Oncology (CO) in LA. Snuffy has worked with him and has publicly praised his groundbreaking work. I chose him over the Mayo Clinic, Seattle's Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center (the PAC NW's counterpart to Mayo), my local large hospital medical oncology clinic 7 minutes from home, Vogelzang in Las Vegas, and other options because he's been giving men given a year to live by those places two decades of vigor, and was very successfully using techniques 20 years ago that Johns Hopkins is only recently investigating. I dislike the hassles of air travel and hate big cities, but I fly to LA each month just for my first chemo infusion of each month from CO. I'm that convinced he's that good.

podsart profile image
podsart in reply to

Dr Myers said that dr liebowitz has retired, is he wrong?

in reply to podsart

Apparently so. Leibowitz spent nine straight hours with me just last month, and was available last week if I had requested him. He has also groomed a like- (but not identically-) minded medical oncologist (Eshaghian) to handle much of the patient load. Maybe he is retirING, but not yet retirED. That's OK by me, as I was told by Eshaghian that beyond that first marathon consult, few patients see Dr. Bob again anyway. He comes in after supper, consults with selected new patients for 6-9 straight hours initially, works his magic like none of the other 20 or so oncologists I've consulted, issues orders for a dozen major tests and hundreds of lab parameters to understand his cases like no other doctor could, then monitors progress and advises more tests as necessary from behind the scenes. Eshaghian deferred me to Leibowitz on that first visit, and he and only he came even CLOSE to persuading me to enter chemotherapy, overcoming years of research-based resistance to do so.

We'll never know for certain whether I made the right choices ... FOR ME ... because even if I'm still full of vim and vigor 20 years from now, we'll never know whether it was their unique treatment or just ADT + chemo in general that kept me upright. OTOH, if I keep having little to no SEs, that might be attributable to them, and will be a huge victory all by itself. I also suspect that only their unusual treatment protocol has much chance at prolonging a Gleason 8/PSA 50/DT 4 months case for 20 years, unlike the ADT-til-ya-go-resistant-and-die approach everyone else offered.

vandy69 profile image

I live in Atlanta, GA, but travel is not a problem. Have been going to Earlysville, VA to see Dr. Myers for 4+ years.

patandemma profile image
patandemma in reply to vandy69

If travel is no problem,consider Dr Nicholas Vogelsang in Las Vegas. Dr Myers has written highly complimentary things about him. He was one of the speakers at last conference of Dr Scholz

in reply to patandemma

My (then new to me) integrative oncologist highly recommended his close colleague Vogelzang to me, until he realized that I actually ask questions of my physicians. Vogelzang does not like that and does not answer, so my guy sent me elsewhere. There's no way I'd just submissively stick out my forearm veins and say "Treat me" to ANY physician for ANY ailment except maybe when lying in an ER covered in my own blood.

Coupe31 profile image
Coupe31 in reply to patandemma

I was a patient of Dr. V since 2018. He has retired.

GeorgeGlass profile image

I know this post is a year old but hopefully everyone who responded to it will be notified again of my comment here. It's a very interesting topid of which oncologist to use and I trust all the recommendations mentioned in the post are good ones but my one question would be: What makes these recommended doctors different in their treatments than the other good doctors out there? Nalakrats mentioned some specifics about what his doctor does different (or in addition to the primary, more popular treatments), but what do the other MOs do that makes them more effective at extending life?



VictoryPC profile image

Scholtz and Lam are the best. They taught me everything about PC and I owe them til the end of my life.

ElizabethMedora profile image

My husband is a patient of Dr. S. It is a very pricey experience at every step of the way...BUT excellent guidance. So in the end, worth it.

Coupe31 profile image

I met with him in August 2021 for a second opinion. He alleviated my concerns regarding possible further treatment. Check out the YouTube channel of PCRI

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