PSA Nadir of .5 Indicates High Risk o... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA Nadir of .5 Indicates High Risk of Fatal PCa

I didn't like this nugget from that paper: "Another consideration that Dr Shore noted is that the current National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) treatment guideline for prostate cancer recommends 2 to 3 years of ADT plus RT in men with high-risk (Gleason 8 or greater) disease.2" I was dx'd gleason 8. I chose HIFU rather than RT (radiation treatment).

Interesting, so I guess I better understand my urologist's plan now. At diagnosis, Gleason 9, PSA 89. My doctor told me then that 3 years of hormone therapy was recommended, but he was also willing to do surgery and adjuvant radiation. I was wondering way so many guys were not doing ADT and my doc told me 3 years right from the get go. NCCN treatment guidelines must be where he got that.