Hello all,
New to this space. Late diagnosed ADHD four months ago. Starting to wonder if I have autism as well, hard to know since seems to be a lot of crossover. My main reason for wondering is overwhelm meltdowns which I’ve only recently realized that they are just that and not just me not being upset with a particular situation or person. Also, as far as I understand what selective mutism is, I believe I have that as well, especially when meltdown is coming on and after. When I was about to go for my ADHD evaluation, I asked the doctor if this assessment would pick ip on autism as well, and she said “yes.” The result was that she can see some traits but, “doesn’t believe she sees an autistic brain.” I’m not sure if I should just leave it at that or pursue a full assessment.
I’d appreciate any replies about anything I’ve mentioned or just share your experience please.