Recently diagnosed with ADHD at the a... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Recently diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 61

Sprocker2 profile image
18 Replies

Interested in engaging with others to share experiences and thoughts. I have just started Elvanse. Anyone else taking these tablets and experiencing any side effects

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Sprocker2 profile image
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18 Replies
dwyll4l profile image

I’m a 62 yr old woman. I’ve very recently realized I likely have ADHD. I’ve got an apointment for an assessment coming up in a few weeks. My feelings are pretty up and down right now. There’s so much life to reflect back on at our age!! No experience with medication as of yet.

ShoesGalore profile image
ShoesGalore in reply to dwyll4l

I’m almost 60, female, could have written exactly what you wrote. It’s mind boggling to me that I’ve lived my whole life without knowing about adhd inattentive type.

dwyll4l profile image
dwyll4l in reply to ShoesGalore

Totally…. Then this morning I was learning about autism spectrum, thinking of my sister who really struggles to read her own and other’s emotions (not something I have identified with). Now I’m confused… seems like there’s overlap for me with autism stuff. OK time to take a break. Off for my regular sanity boost - a good walk. Looking at beautiful things is good too.

Morning glories in the sun.
ShoesGalore profile image
ShoesGalore in reply to dwyll4l

yes indeed, a walk. I have to daily. I have said for years it’s more for my mental than physical health.

Hominid711 profile image
Hominid711 in reply to dwyll4l

I'm in a similar situation, Dx ADHD last January at age 55, older sister with Asperger/high intelligence autism/NPD/comorbidity ADHD traits, younger one with NPD/ADHD, brother with ADHD, other brother with ODD/OCD traits (all only IMO, but my siblings won't see psychiatrists) and coming to terms with lost opportunities and the odd-one-out position within the family but trying to steer a bit against it at the same time - for balance and to keep practicing the view forward into my future - and to be proud of my achievements with and against the odds. And yes yes yes to walking and looking at beautiful things :^))

buzzybrain profile image
buzzybrain in reply to dwyll4l

Am 58 and just diagnosed ADHD combined type. Elvanse 30mg to start off with prescribed. Just reeling from the initial cost. Have they helped you? What differences do you notice?Hoping they make a difference.

JazzElvis1 profile image

yes I’m on my third week of 20 mg , lol u first week I had a lot of headaches, felt a bit weird , but most side effects went down after 2 weeks , sleeping better, brighter and ferl more able

Sprocker2 profile image
Sprocker2 in reply to JazzElvis1

thank you. It is helpful to hear.

I have taken my 7th tablet this morning. I seem to be more hyper during the day and getting withdrawal symptoms in the evening. Shaking, unsteadiness and flushes in the evening. Also my appetite has disappeared- which isn’t a bad thing for a few weeks as I can afford to lose a few pounds 🤣. Have my follow up review on 5th January so will stick at it no matter what until then

JazzElvis1 profile image
JazzElvis1 in reply to Sprocker2

the first week was the worst, I am on 20 mg , but have to admit I took only 15 mg for a few days and cleared all side effects , but still had a calm feeling, yes crashes are not nice, I had to take a bit later in the morning, so the crash didMy come too early

ADHDuderino profile image

Hello Sprocker2! Its a privelidge to welcome you to a tribe you have always belonged to and never really knew for sure. 🤝🙏You have only a few years on me for official diagnosis age, 45 this year and diagnosed in Feb.22. (alright, its more than a few 😆,its still a shared revelation 👍)Lockdown did it for me (or did me in, depending on how you look at it!🤷‍♂️) This was my first post

It was about my Elvanse wxperiences so far.

Elvanse, as it goes, its probably the right drug for me, and the side-effect profile beats the BeJesus (or personal religio-spiritual icon/leader/ideal of your choosing, I personally would not choose JC but it is the common parlence, however, I digress(🤷‍♂️suprised¿?) out of Sertraline (which is a foul beast but effective, like ripping out an ingrown toenail!).

The emotional lability you speak of could be indicative of something else entirely, so be sure to talk to your prescriber and explain.

That said, my emotional journey since diagnosis has been very labile and had some significant ups and downs. The realisation of so many things about my life all falling into place, the overwhelm of its effect on EVERYTHING suddenly coming to light, the on going struggles reframed and yet not really changed (meds arent magic, just help a little with impulse/emotion regulation and focus/productivity).

Its been a massive journey of struggle/ revalation/ loss/ greif/ understanding/ acceptance, that I was in no way prepared for and is far from over.

Its not Cancer, its not a nasty little bacteria or virus or deviant DNA that you can demonise, hate on and dissociate from.

Its your brain, being and always having been "different", neuro-divergent, fundamentaly utilising different chemistry, neural links, pathways and strategies to solve the same "being alive, being a human, living in society" questions and problems as those who are neurotypical.

Its not "attacking" you or "trying to harm you".

It IS YOU! And YOU ARE IT. Its a fundamental foundation of who we are and how we have used what we have to get to where we are.

We are like the other two little pigs, but when the wolf came and found our house of straw, he didnt bet on our ability to have fully reinforced the insides with galvanised steel roofing sheets and a welder we found in a skip up the road, had a tinker with and managed fix up with a paperclip and some over chewed Bubblegum (only works on cold days of course!). No neurotypical pig would have seen the opportunity or the need, they used bricks, but we think differently, and we can still get the job done. on re-reading, this is a proper ADHD rant isnt it? I feel I should apologise...because I have always been made to feel that way and I am so hypersensetive to the feelings of others on reflection, it causes me actual pain to inflict myself on them. "Sorry?"

So as one newly "Saved" to another,

nothing you are going through will be "normal" or maybe even "OK". But know we are legion, not alone. I have suffered alone for far too long and not known why... I wish you the very best in your journey, may it bring you to a place of peace with yourself, I hope mine will.


If in doubt, there is no doubt and if you can do nothing else,always be kind.

Hominid711 profile image
Hominid711 in reply to ADHDuderino

... and kind to yourself. Past, present and future.

buzzybrain profile image
buzzybrain in reply to ADHDuderino

Can i join you?! Another newbie who has always felt like a square peg in a round hole!

Achtungalert21 profile image

Welcome, Sprocker2! I hope you will find this community as helpful and supportive as I have.

I am 51 and was relatively recently diagnosed with ADHD. It has become quite clear I also have Dyslexia. Navigating what can feel like a maze of information, the self-reflection, self-analysis, and experimentation with what medication and lifestyle adjustments works can be overwhelming and also rewarding.

As JazzElvis1, I find a lower dose of 15mg currently works best for me. Higher dose is higher stimulation and nervous energy which I can't necessarily channel into productive concentration or focus. Important for me is to take Elvanse everyday, consistently. Equally important is learning what other lifestyle changes and tools help support my body, brain, mental and spiritual health. They need to work hand-in-hand.

Jozlynn profile image

Hi Sprocker2! Welcome to the group! Having been diagnosed at the age of 50 a couple of years ago, it was a completely life-changing event for me - but for the better. I finally understood a LOT about myself, which actually brought me a good deal of joy. That and being reassured it wasn't early onset dementia (no joke, that's what I thought I had before I was diagnosed ADHD).

I'm not on Elvanse, but I am on Adderall XR. It has literally been the difference that has allowed me to start my own business. It allowed me to zero in on what I needed to do, and then do it. Definitely experienced some side effects in the first couple of weeks, but now I don't even notice them.

Wishing you all the best on your journey!!!

Sprocker2 profile image
Sprocker2 in reply to Jozlynn

Thank you. I thought I had dementia too! Forgetting things and getting confused. I was also tested for mini-strokes with a full MRI scan because I was unsteady on my feet too often. The unsteadiness was to do with my ADHD brain being able to process stress and trauma that I have had in my life over the last couple of years. My brain wasn’t filing memories away as it should have. I have seen many counsellors over the past few years, they all said that I had ADHD but I found so hard to get seen by the NHS that I went private at the end of November. I have a follow up appointment on 5th January to discuss the medication and how it is working.

Hominid711 profile image
Hominid711 in reply to Jozlynn

Hi Jozlynn, long time no read. How are you and how's the business going?

Jozlynn profile image
Jozlynn in reply to Hominid711

Hi Hominid711! I've been a bit of a stranger on here because the business is going GREAT...and is keeping me extremely busy! I've just brought on 3 new virtual assistants because the demand for VAs that understand and work with ADHD is increasing significantly...and sadly, there aren't that many of us out there. I'm personally doing well. A little overwhelmed, and dealing with imposter syndrome now that the business has grown into a full-blown agency, but overall well!

How are you? How are things going in your life?

Hominid711 profile image

Shame with the NHS isn't it? It's such a life-changing condition to have with such an impact evident when comparing it with the state you can be in once you've started the meds. So many people loosing opportunity, jobs, their equilibrium, energy and stable good mood etc over it and a sizable number ending up in crime/prison there should really be more NHS money going into quickly diagnosing and treating it! I'm also thinking of the economic fallout as this is almost the only reason than convinces governments to part with money if morality/ethics don't. So, good you saw a private psychiatrist. Current wait on the NHS to get to see them 3 years!!

Now, Ladies in your midforties upwards, also think menopause, menopausal symptoms and HRT. I couldn't do without mine (transdermal oestrogen gel with a Mirena for the necessary progesterone - you can google why progesterone).

I'm also on Venlafaxine in addition to Vyvanse because of the anxiety disorder I developed long ago, possibly secondarily to undiagnosed/untreated ADHD but also other stuff) but the HRT just makes me feel so good physically. No more back/joint pain and regards energy level - and I'm definitely feeling - and looking I'm told ;^) - younger than 56.

So, you may want to do your research and ask your doc about that whilst you're at it.

Nothing wrong with a 3m trial on HRT just to see if you can feel different. Together with annual diabetes and BP check if you're overweight, your VitD level at least once in your life and whatever else it is you need. Advice on asking about HRT given considering you have no contraindications (google) and feel great already. This from a doc.

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