Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a complex neurological disorder that refers to the persistence of attention deficit disorder associated with hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors in the individual.
The way these people work and develop their brains is different and therefore affects their abilities and functions. The ability to maintain and maintain attention and simple capabilities such as constant sitting and controlling sudden behaviors are difficult and challenging for people with ADHD.
The most important symptoms of this disorder in adults with this disorder are problems such as difficulty concentrating and attention, tense and unstable relationships, delay, and chronic forgetfulness. Most people with ADHD also have impaired executive function, including information analysis, working memory, and time management.
People with ADHD have problems in many aspects of life, including personal, educational, and social relationships.
but it's important to know that you can get help in many many ways therapies, medications, and non-medication surveys.