If anyone reads this article and see something they are interested in trying in their life message me and hopefully we work together on it.
If anyone reads this article and see something they are interested in trying in their life message me and hopefully we work together on it.
Which part are you wanting to try?
I’m trying the exercise every day at 2pm I body hang, goal is to work up to hanging for 10full seconds. A lady named Tara I meet from how to adhd forum is who I’m going to message to after I do the exercise and she will do the same with the exercise routine she chosen.
I’ve said for a long time I want to do yoga and mindfulness, I know it would be good for me.
What are your ideas? What do you think about having an accountability buddy?
What is body hanging?
So I have been out of shape for 15 years and I’m 50 lbs over weight. I want to succeed so I’m choosing to do something I believe I can accomplish with a accountability buddy.
You know like a pull up bar. Instead of doing a pull-up, I hang from the bar no touching the ground. Does that make sense.
I feel like a total puss or dumb to make that my daily exercise goal. But I’m getting to understand myself better and if I commit to something that requires to much of my time and effort I will not succeed. So making a tiny goal I might get to achieve in two weeks , and then I make a new goal.
I completely understand your reasoning for making smaller goals. I do the exact same thing because if I make goals that I know I won’t accomplish, I end up feeling like I’ve failed. I’ve gained almost 30lbs over the past 2 years and I don’t fit into any of my clothes. That’s what made me want to start working out. Even though I haven’t used the equipment I just bought, I’ve lost 8lbs for some reason. I joke and say I’ve been burning calories from thinking about working out but I’m sure that’s not true. Lol. I’ll send you my number in a private message and let’s figure out how or if we can help each other.
Let’s do it, I will message you my number. Call me today if you c an
thank you for sharing.