To all my fellow ADHD brains ❤️ YOU ARE doing better than you think you are. I’m proud of you for being wherever you are at in all of this. It’s hard. SO HARD. People don’t get what we go through everyday and how hard it is to do all those simple things. We also have to get past all of the hopelessness that we have been trained to have. I know most of the time you think “I can’t” but I know you can. Someday you will get there. Wherever it is you want to be. It seems so complicated and like you will never achieve anything or what you truly want in life but you will. Just a quick note to say I believe in you all. Have a great day you wonderful people! We are in this together! ❤️💯
Keep on Keepin on: To all my fellow... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Keep on Keepin on

I'm doing my best everyday and still stuck... remember don't blame yourself for your disability its not your mistake if your brain wired different <3
Yep, and mental illnesses isn’t something I’m still comfortable talking about to, and in this particularly situation, my mom and my brother. I’m started to a little with my brother because he’s the one Main support I have had while going though major life changes over the last 12 mo. I can’t feel stuck forever And so I asked if he will come to my next doctor appointment with me to get educated about ADHD and i feel like it’s a lot to ask form him but I need his support and guidance and help mostly my personal life.
I almost cleaned my whole kitchen in one swap. The counters are clean, food and dishes are in the cupboard. Oh of course, I forgot to clean the oven, but it’s self cleaning, it will be easy when I get to it. This hasn’t happened in few months. Although I clean, it hardly ever gets fully done. I saw a bag of sugar that I was using around New Years, it’s been there ever since. I haven’t even noticed that it’s been there the whole time.
Thank you for the encouragment. I believe in you too. Have a great week.
A sincere & heartfelt thank you for the rally text , Si95... Very much needed & even more appreciated!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this positive post!
I need all the positivity I can get right now…..
totally stuck and not knowing what to do about it.
I totally agree with this positive post. There's so much negativity put toward people who are different or who don't fit the mold. It's not like we want to be misunderstood. Ikkee, you hit on something when you said "totally stuck..." That makes sense in areas of my life as well. Just considering new options in order to break out of a rut that "we" have come to believe can't be escaped. There's definitely a way that you and I can use what has held us back in the past to move forward and reach others.
I’m convinced that most people who have made significant positive impact on the world have/had what most people would refer to as an “illness”.