Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

23,098 members6,161 posts

All posts for November 2023

I'm thrilled to get here.

I'm thrilled to get here. When I explain about my daughter's ADHD, almost all J...
MIKIKO_Japan profile image

Paid Research Opportunity for Parents *link fixed

Are you interested in learning more about behavior management strategies or cont...
UHCLresearch profile image

To try medication or not.

Hi, I’m the mum of an 8 year old girl who has just got an ADHD diagnosis ( combi...
Poppymum profile image
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Accommodations required at a private school?

Hi all, our 13 year old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD. As you can imagine...
Lavender58 profile image

ADHD and College

My daughter has ADHD and hopes to play D1 sports in college. She's struggling w...

11yo school refusal when with mom, aggression

My son is 11, and newly in middle school. He has ADHD, ODD, and is mildly dyslex...
Pastrysam76 profile image

My Sanity

I'm interested in learning more about ADHA . My Granson is the most precious lov...

12 year old. 7th grade. struggling w/responsibility of school

Hello, my son was diagnosed at 4. No meds always worked hard in school. Fast f...

Suggestions for ADHD activités

Hello, I mentor a young girl with ADHD, and I'd really like to support her and...

Supportive Boarding Schools

Hello all, I wonder if you could help us. Our 15-year-old son has recently been...

Education Consultant

Hi all, We are looking for an independent educational consultant with extensive...


My son is 10 years old. He was diagnosed last year with combined type ADHD and...
Listening1 profile image

9yo ADHD and at my wits end

my son was diagnosed with ADHD around age 5 (late pre-k/early K) just as the pan...
Katstacarlso profile image

ADHDers, lists and birthdays

If you have a list of things you want to accomplish that is fantastic. If you ha...
BLC89 profile image

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