Hello fellow parents,
My son was diagnosed with ADHD and recently, we decided to take him off of stimulant medication. Overall, it’s been great, his grades didn’t plummet, he is doing ok with staying on tasks, and he has less behavioral outbursts.
There has been an issue with him being very very talkative at home. This gets much worse when he is seemingly more tired, and/or spends too much time on YouTube or playing stimulating games. Has anyone else noticed this? We have resorted to limiting screen time severely, but he still sometimes will not be quiet unless he’s watching YouTube or playing video games. We also find that he will try and sabotage family time, by acting like a jerk, if we ask him to stop playing games and come to participate.
Today in particular was rough, he was constantly talking over us or trying to get my attention if it wasn’t fully on him or if he wasn’t playing video games. I end up getting frustrated at him and basically asking him to stop talking so much. I hate doing that, but he’s struggled the past couple of years making friends in school and we get frustrated with him at home so I kinda understand why sometimes. This year there was an instance where a classmate called him annoying, which I hate, but I could see why if he’s constantly talking over people, trying to crack a joke to make people laugh, or start a conversation out of nothing all of the time.
Of course my immediate first thought is, well maybe I’m not paying enough attention to him. I constantly reevaluate how much quality time I spend with him and try to maximize this. I also work full time and he’s got a lot of school stuff to do everyday that I always find myself wishing I could spend more time with him. He’s almost 13 and I feel like his childhood is slipping away and I just want what’s best for him. I am really just venting because I constantly feel self doubt in my ability to be a good enough dad to him and I worry that he’s not gonna be able to make friends. I worry I am being too hard on him when I ask him to not talk so much, and then I feel guilt for it… I feel like I’m constantly correcting him, and that’s led to him being insecure about a lot of what he does. The problem is, I constantly catch him doing something so dumb and impulsive that I am getting frustrated with him yet again!
Sometimes I catch myself wishing he was normal and we could just have a normal father-son relationship like I see other dads have. Then, after I have scolded myself for even having that thought, I think maybe I’m the one who needs correcting and maybe I’m just not the right dad for my son. I’m sharing my story because I feel like I cannot be the only one. I worry that he’s going to drift away from me and hate me when he grows up. I love him so much and I want us to be close a he becomes a man.
Any older dads out there that went through this and made it out with their son ok?