Are you aware of any resources that really explain how you feel and cope with things with ADHD?
Have you grown up with ADHD? Can you... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Have you grown up with ADHD? Can you descibe how you felt and your experiences. What helped you?
Hey! I've grown up with it and have been on Meds since a young age.
Sounds daft because it is such a huge thing, ask some questions and ill try and answer them with my experience.
Hey! I have grown up with ADHD as well and now work in Pediatric Psych. Positive Psychology and some other online resources that can be found from google have incredible resources to describe feelings and coping skills for those feeling even if they may not be directly tied to ADHD. One thing that really helped me as a kid was just understanding that the emotions I was feeling were OK and I was not "just being crazy" or "a bad kid" I couldn't control it. Positive self-talk has been life changing and it started with my mom! I linked a few websites that have been super helpful! Hope this helps!!