Good morning-
I am not sure where everyone is at in this journey of raising a child with ADHD (some families have just started, some are or could be in the middle school dreaded years and some could be with their child that is now and adult).. but I wanted to share a quick story.
Our son is currently 16 years old and in a few years hopes to be in college playing sports at a high level.
When our son was in pre-school or kindergarten we was in a very patient program that he attended until 6th Grade.
One day, I was stopped while rushing to pick him up the teacher informed me that our son was seen ripping the pages in their book. Of course I was modified and quickly offered to pay for the book or replace it. Thinking nothing of it since our lives were busy, both working full time and just trying to survive daily...
Fast forward to recently having dinner with him, I asked him (now that he is 16 years old and wise), did he remember ripping the pages in the book. He replied "yes, I thought if I ripped the pages I would have less to read". He then admitted he hates to read.
I tell this story to share that. . behavior is always a form of communication. Our son has had medication, therapy, educational plan and a whole lot of love.
Hope this small story helps someone deal with the struggles of raising a child with unique needs.