Hello All,
can I get some recommendations on an education plan for my son who is identified ADHD.
Hello All,
can I get some recommendations on an education plan for my son who is identified ADHD.
There are lots of variations to educational plans. I have one grandson who has a 504 which this gives him a certain modifications like extra time to turn in homework. My other grandson has more severe behavioral problems and he has an IEP. It gives him time out of the class room if he needs to go to the counselor's office, more help and reminders in the classroom, periodic one on one supervision.
Both usually require a doctor's diagnosis and the medications that your child is on
My son has a 504 plan in high school and some of the things listed are:
1. Sit in front of the class and preferably on the end of the row
2. Extra time on test/assignments, when needed
3. Teacher is to check-in with my son to ensure understanding of assignments
3. Ability to have water/ gum in class