Has anyone tried removing all stimulants from medication protocol for ADHD and only use alternative meds, like Guanfacine or Straterra, with success? I’m thinking the meds actually might make him more aggressive, defiant, etc.
Stopping Stimulants with Success? - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Stopping Stimulants with Success?
Thanks for sharing. I am not sure if your child has tried a different stimulant or not. But Guanfacine really helps our son with mood and focus. The bigger issue for us is impulsive behavior.
So instead of eliminating could you switch? I am also not sure if your child is seeing a child psychiatrist, if not I would really start there.
Good luck.
For us- the stimulant (methylphenidate) was the last thing we added, because the mood swings were the biggest issue. But even after years of therapy, he couldn’t physically control his impulsiveness. That’s where the stimulant helped our son gain some control.
Did it actually help with the impulse control? I keep reading that meds don't help much with that.
It helped him with impulse control- he already knew the strategies to use when he was upset, he just could t stop and think about it when he was upset. He’s still working on organizational skill and completing tasks- I wish there was a drug for that
We can't do stimulants, too much aggression. We use Straterra and Guanfacine for one and Bupropion, Guanfacine and generic Seroquel for the older teen who has lots of anxiety and depression issues along with the ADHJD.