Shout out to all my peeps holding up the fort!!! Stay strong moms and dads! The struggle is real! Sending you lots of love! We have food, we have time to stay home, and we are hopeful that our good choices will help ALL of us stay safer! Sorry! I am bored! Somehow, the exclamation mark, seems so exciting!!!
Social distance - not socially isolat... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Social distance - not socially isolated - How y'all doing?
Yes! I am right there with 'ya! Let's hang in there together and the best suggestion I have for everybody is to focus on LOVE. Our kids have a very difficult time with change. If homework of the day does not get done that day, let it go! Our kids need to feel comforted, supported, and loved first! Trying to get it all done in one day can be exhausting for the whole family. Take this time to spend quality time with your child. Use this time to build on positive memories that will last a lifetime!
I’m still having to work ( geriatric Medical social worker). The fact that I had to find child care last minute .. the fact that I can’t be home . I’m a single mom
All of this is giving me bad anxiety /stress .
My employer is not being supportive
We're really struggling here.
For starters, I am about ready to strangle (virtually) all the parents on our neighborhood forum who keep complaining about kids using the playground equipment at the local playgrounds. I understand why, but apparently they are all Good Housekeeping/Parents Magazine Moms and Dads Of The Year with perfectly compliant kids who will do what they say while outside. Sorry, just not going to happen with my severe ADHD, oppositional child. I guess I'm supposed to just keep him inside and let him trash my house rather than letting him out to run around since there's no way I can keep him off the equipment if we go out.
Bedtime is also fast becoming a lost cause. More stalling than usual, then our son won't fall asleep until 10pm or later. We're about ready to pull our hair out since we have a relatively small townhouse so can't watch TV or do much ourselves until we know he's down for the count. I've reached the point I can't keep my cool anymore and start yelling, which I know doesn't help matters but I am rapidly losing any ability to cope.
Well it's a relief to know that I am not the only one who lost her membership to the Good Housekeeping/Parents Magazine Mom Club! Hang in there! I am not doing super well either. My kid is behaving way better than I expected, she is 9 going on 13. It is just the two us ALL DAY! Luckily when I am about to blow I ask for her to give me a break and she kinda listens. Then there are times where I am like "What am I being such a witch?"
About the neighborhood forum "What ever!" YOU know what is best for your child. But I know it gets to me when I hear Perfect Parents, be critical of parenting that is not identical to their parenting.
We have been going to bed at midnight.
My point is, thank you for being honest. Parenting a child with ADHD is trying on a normal basis. This situation is not an easy one to cope with. Hope you are doing better today.