After reading this article, I have realized how little the educational system understands and supports children with ADHD. Such a struggle!
After reading this article, I have realized how little the educational system understands and supports children with ADHD. Such a struggle!
Thanks for sharing!
WOW...just WOW! This could have been me writing that article. We have some support at HS, but it depends on the teacher. The meetings, the calls, the emails....that is how my school year can go. Because my son can have "good" days many of his teachers think he is just trying to get attention, that he knows better or just doesn't want to try that day. They don't take into account stimulation, stress, lack of sleep and all the other things that can make for those not good days. My son had THAT science teacher....down to the "you think your mother is going to make this all better for you". More than one of those ended up with my son telling him "Wait until my mother gets a hold of you. She is going to eat you alive". He wasn't wrong, but I reminded him that I lose some of my power when he tells them that. Luckily administration saw that this class wasn't working and that our 504 was not being followed and transferred him to another class. But this was after we struggled for a year and a half with this teacher. Like the writer says, I am surprised at how little support our students have and how little understanding and education our teachers have on the subject. Thanks for sharing....even if it did bring a few tears.
Hi, I understand you. I do have an ADD son 15yrs and last year 9 grade we were struggling with his mood. Ups and down. He is taking again medication and is helping a lot, (The add Focalin gave him alergy so he is not taking until we will re-start school but morning and night he is taking Guanfacine) also he took therapy for angry and emotion's regulation, and he will attend a weekly anxiety group class to manage stress. Right now he is so happy because is summer and it is not school! But we need to be prepared, he to manage himself, and we as parents to understand him. We love him so much and he had been a jorney for life there is not rules. What I can tell you is that when he stared middle school we took him out before he finished 7th grade because he got bully, the teachers don't quit understand him and the system was hurting him emotional and intellectual. So now, he is in a charter school 3 days group 2 days home and he is happy, he is learning a lot and the pace is just right for him. He is succesful. In the way of bad and good days, he is learning a lot about himself and I believe the most important thing is that his self-esteem must be high to manage all the other everyday struggle.