After barely a month on Vyvanse, my son earned an A on his 6th grade geometry exam. This is a first following a history of D’s and F’s. This is working!
Medication testimonial!: After barely a... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Medication testimonial!

Yeah!! So exciting for him to feel success! it really just gets better from here. Yes they can make bad choices but with medication they can experience great success.
Thanks for sharing...
Hooray! isn't it like the biggest weight has been lifted off your shoulders? I just stopped in my tracks. And I was just so grateful that my daughter could be successful and feel ok and not so frustrated!

It gets better! Stay strong!
Bravo!!! And, I bet you and your son feel such relief and pride! We’re going to try Vyvanse next week (first time trying medication) for our 12 year old son. Fingers crossed!
Hooray! So happy to hear that. 😊
Yay! Makes you realize what our kids can do if ADHD is not weighing them down.
So happy to hear your news! My 8 year old son has been taking 10 mg of extended release Facolin for a few months, initially after he was diagnosed this fall it made a huge difference. The recently, maybe 4 months in, it seemed to have zero effect. Doctor increased by 5 mg to a 15 mg dose and it seems to be helping again (unfortunately it completes suppresses his already small appetite so we dont give it on weekends and wont give it over the summer). I will mention the medication you have had success with and see if thats worth trying maybe when school starts again in the fall. Its helpful to hear success stories since some days seem hopeless for us, still new to managing this. thank you for sharing!
It is the best! I wish I could afford to be on it daily but insurance for teachers stinks!! He can go off it on the weekends too if needed.