Hello, my fourteen yr old son has ADD and a learning disability. He's had an IEP in place since first grade. My son is now in 7th grade and he is struggling in every subject; especially math. Yesterday we started vyvanse. He complains of being jittery, not feeling hisself, said he feels like he's done something bad, heart racing but not all the time. I hate my son feeling like that. I have been so reluctant about putting him on meds, it took me 13 yrs to to finally do it. Can anyone tell me if these side effects will subside? I'm glad I found this blog, I'm praying having other parents to talk to will help us through this.
Can anyone tell me about Vyvanse 20mg... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Can anyone tell me about Vyvanse 20mg and the effects.

My grandson was on it for years, helped him pass school. He could not do stimulants. Some side effects will go away if you give it time. Medicine doesn't start working immediately.
If they get worse notify his doctor
Talk with the prescribing doctor. Sometimes the side effects fade, sometimes they don't, especially if he also has anxiety.
Please make sure he eats with the medication. I think 20 is good for a 14 yr old but not if he has an empty stomach. It will cause some anxiety and that can happen if someone drinks too much caffeine. If I were you, I would ask doctor for a short acting trial. Vyvanse doesn’t have it, but adderall or something else. I have two kids on medication and they didn’t like the XR very much, but did like bystanders so it’s a hard situation.
My 12 yr old has beens on 20 mg Vvyanse for year+. The effects are always stronger in the beginning. It will build up and effect will lessen by end of first month. The build up causes people to increase dose. Not sure I understand exacts of build up, like where it is building up and why, just know it does.
Anyway, I'd stick with it, he will settle down within a week. We've tried several brands, and Vvyanse is by far the best in terms of coming off. It's an easier off then most. Good luck!