Teenager taking vyvance: I’ve recently... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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Teenager taking vyvance

Kyla_09 profile image
21 Replies

I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD and my parents said to put me on med which I thought was the best option, I was put on vyvance and I’m on 50 mg but Ive been losing a lot of weight, I’m 15 years old and I’m already small to begin with, I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow but I’m scared that I’ll have to start again and wait to be put on anxiety meds for a couple more months.

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Kyla_09 profile image
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21 Replies
Onthemove1971 profile image

Kyla_09- welcome to this community. Just a few questions. Do you see that it is making a difference for you? From my understanding all stimulants which are giving for controlling impulsivity have the same side effect, which is weight loss.

Are you eating meals that are high in protein, even if you are not hungry? Did they also recommend something to help you focus better?

Best of luck with this experience.

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Onthemove1971

I do see a lot of changes, a lot of mood swings after 1 pm my parents cannot talk to me about responsibilities I have or I’ll snap, I’m eating snack here and there because I’m not hungry and I won’t be able to eat it without being sick, I’m eating dinner with large meals and I try to drink and eat a lot of calories and all that, I even have popsicles and Ice cream to have the sugar I need, I can’t do gym because I’m to tried for it and hard to breathe when running on the meds

Jamiemush profile image

My daughter who is almost 16 also needs to watch her weight, and sometimes looses...try milkshakes and high calorie foods... and lots of protein

Birdie7 profile image

Hello. Thank you for reaching out. My 15 year old used to be on Vyvanse and also thin to begin with, lost a great deal of weight. He said he just wasn't ever hungry. Although everyone reacts differently and there are always side effects of some kind, there are other ADHD medications that don't suppress the appetite as much. Evekeo is in the same class of medication as Vyvanse, which my son switched to. He seems to have fewer side effects and isn't losing weight on it. It did give him mood swings after 2 months but that disappeared when he started taking magnesium powder. You could discuss these options with your parents and doctor and read other recommendations. Hang in there.

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Birdie7

I’m trying to see if I can do anything before switching, these meds work so well for my adhd but not for my eating, I’m seeing the doctor today to see about everything I’ve noticed

anirush profile image

Some people can't handle stimulants. They make you more edgy. Neither of my grandsons can use them. One actually had violent tendencies on stimulants. Both are early teens and are on intuniv plus a mood stabilizer.

Cjkchamp profile image

Sometimes it takes a while to find the right meds or to adjust to the ones that work. My son’s appetite dropped off when he started with medications, but after a while his appetite returned. If the side effects are too much, don’t be afraid to say something. Only you know how you feel. I am really impressed with your level of maturity and the fact you came to a realization you needed the medications. I always encourage everyone to look into broad spectrum micronutrients. Tell your dr and parents about them. Research them. Two companies...Hardy Nutritionals and True Hope. Especially since you have also raised the issue of anxiety. Wishing you the best!

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Cjkchamp

Ever since I was young I always showed the signs of ADHD and it always got in my way of school, no one was listening to me and my parents and finally after 12 years of my fighting to see what’s wrong i finally understood why and what caused my school grades to be bad, I have read a lot a books about it and I knew I needed the meds for my short attention span at school

Birdie7 profile image

Hi, Kyla_09, how did your doctor's appointment go?

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Birdie7

It went okay, I’m starting Prozac 10mg on Sunday, but I have to start watching how many calories I have and I might have to start drinking protein shakes to get the calories I need.

Birdie7 profile image

Kyla_09, my son has had mood swings on every ADHD medication he has been on. The one thing that helped him the most was a magnesium supplement. He uses a magnesium powder that is designed specifically to help people be more calm, anti-stress. Within a few days, he was incredibly calm and happier, and it helps his medication work better for him...but only with the magnesium (we use Garden of Life Whole Food magnesium powder I found at Vitamin Shoppe or Amazon). It can take a few weeks in others before it calms moods swings. We were even able to reduce the amount of ADHD medication he was taking. This is something you can consider discussing with your parents before taking another medication like Prozac.

Also, if you decide to stay on Vyvanse, my son's doctor had prescribed Cyproheptadine tablets to increase his appetite. He doesn't take them anymore since he stopped taking Vyvanse. Anyway, it is a medication that has been prescribed for allergies but actually was found to stimulate appetites, so it's not uncommon for doctors to dispense to help kids not lose so much weight on Vyvanse. Also, it makes a person feel tired, so he was instructed to take it at night, which is a bonus for those who have sleep issues with Vyvanse.

We tried getting my son to drink protein shakes but he was only able to drink maybe 1 every few days (he was on 40mg Vyvanse).

Anyway, I hope you will consider the magnesium supplement. Keep us posted on your progress. I give you a ton of credit for taking the initiative to seek out help, support, and answers on an ADHD message board.

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Birdie7

My doctor did say throughout the process with Prozac she might cut my doses down, I’ve been trying to find heathy snacks I can have with high calories, I’m not the biggest eater but I do drink a lot, so I’m still trying out

Birdie7 profile image

Well, my hope for you is that you would consider a magnesium supplement like the one I mentioned before starting another prescribed medication....everyone needs magnesium and there isn't an accurate blood test to show deficiencies and I've read that 90% of those with ADHD have a magnesium deficiency. This was the reason for my son's mood swings on his medication. Not to say it's everyone's issue, but it's something purchased over the counter. My teen has been down a long road, so we've tried most everything and I've read years of research over the years. Medication can be very helpful, but I found with my son, less medication with magnesium has been more effective at helping him to stay calm, happy, and focused. I can be honest and say that I was given this advice years ago by a doctor and I ignored it (and even rolled my eyes because was giving him so many supplements), thinking my son had plenty of magnesium. Wow, I wish I could go back in time and save us some heartache.

Anyway, I wish you well and hope that you start to feel your best.

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Birdie7

I’ve tried telling my parents about things and meds for all of this and they just blow it off, it’s hard for them to listen to me

Birdie7 profile image
Birdie7 in reply to Kyla_09

I'm sorry. You could show them this board, maybe ask if they will consider reading these posts about personal experiences to help them understand better...well, people on this board will listen, so keep posting messages if you find it helpful. Again, I give you a lot of credit for taking the initiative to reach out.

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Birdie7

I try to show my parents things, then they tell my doctor and my doctor said she gave me the right diagnosis so I shouldn’t worry, they said if I show them anything about this they will turn my phone into text and call only

Lavender2relax profile image
Lavender2relax in reply to Kyla_09

I’m sorry Kyla_09 ... how I wish they could read it. Everyone here is trying to help and encourage others. I think you are doing great coming here searching for answers! Is there any way you can reach out to another adult who may listen to the suggestions, and speak for you? Is there a guidance counselor at school you trust ? A teacher ? I would love for you to try it out, and see improvement. Hugs to you... stay strong!

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Lavender2relax

My parents have a hard time listening to other people, they are both old fashioned to say the least, sometimes I wish they could here me out, if I try to raise something up, they’ll say ask the doctor next appointment, they never really listen to me from day 1

Lavender2relax profile image
Lavender2relax in reply to Kyla_09

💜Well, we are listening to you. I’m sorry that you are not being heard!

Kyla_09 profile image
Kyla_09 in reply to Lavender2relax

Thank you it means a lot, I love my parents but sometimes they just don’t understand

kaf2022 profile image
kaf2022 in reply to Birdie7

Birdie7 - any advice about the amount or form of magnesium? I have 16 year old son, 130 lbs, diagnosed with anxiety 6 years ago, ADHD inattentive type just a few weeks ago.

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