So, yeah, I'm going to have a sleepover on Friday night with my daughter and one of her friends. I'm terrified. Just picture it. My daughter and this friend, who frankly has been hit and miss. My daughter has iffy social skills and is on and off with this friend. Right now they are besties, but this could change at any moment. So, let's say we get pizza and they're at my house. Her meds wear off 5:45 ish(although we're getting a booster). My daughter's mania kicks in around 6:15. Let's say they eat pizza run around like crazy people, dancing, screaming, laughing, dramatically running, asking me to watch them dramatically running and singing, inciting the dog to also go crazy and then, I fear, my daughter crashes. And when she crashes, I'm not kidding she crashes, it's either sudden inexplicable tears and breakdown or sleep. Like asleep. Dead asleep. And I have to give her meds before she falls asleep.
Cue, the other girl, wide awake with me. Watching Mean Girls and eating popcorn. Then picture us all on my bed and me with about three inches of bed to sleep on.
Wish me luck.