Sleepover, Yep, I'm doing it - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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Sleepover, Yep, I'm doing it

17 Replies

So, yeah, I'm going to have a sleepover on Friday night with my daughter and one of her friends. I'm terrified. Just picture it. My daughter and this friend, who frankly has been hit and miss. My daughter has iffy social skills and is on and off with this friend. Right now they are besties, but this could change at any moment. So, let's say we get pizza and they're at my house. Her meds wear off 5:45 ish(although we're getting a booster). My daughter's mania kicks in around 6:15. Let's say they eat pizza run around like crazy people, dancing, screaming, laughing, dramatically running, asking me to watch them dramatically running and singing, inciting the dog to also go crazy and then, I fear, my daughter crashes. And when she crashes, I'm not kidding she crashes, it's either sudden inexplicable tears and breakdown or sleep. Like asleep. Dead asleep. And I have to give her meds before she falls asleep.

Cue, the other girl, wide awake with me. Watching Mean Girls and eating popcorn. Then picture us all on my bed and me with about three inches of bed to sleep on.

Wish me luck.

17 Replies

Holy Moly, you are brave!

So, picturing it, and trying to figure out which scenario would be more challenging

1. The sudden inexplicable tears and breakdown, leading to...? (some sort of recovery soon enough to salvage the evening?)


2. Other girl wide awake with me. Watching Mean Girls and eating popcorn.

Love the popcorn, but maybe a different movie?

Love your writing style and wry humor :) In any case all the best and let us know how it goes!

5Flyingeagle profile image

Good Luck

Chigger01 profile image

Oh lordy, been there done that with both of mine. You will get through it and it may end up okay. We have a low record but it does happen.

Onthemove1971 profile image

Honestly they are young and often don’t care when they are having fun. Life is so stressful, please have fun!! Then let us know how it went. You are my hero, maybe I will follow some day!

anirush profile image

You are a brave woman! Hope everything goes as well as possible.

Pennywink profile image

Fingers crossed!!

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to Pennywink

Will be thinking of you. This is life changing for her.

Katertot profile image

LOL. Sleepovers are the worst. My only advice is try to keep the vibe mellow and have an activity (baking, art, etc.) in your back pocket. My daughter often flounders with the lack of structure.

Janice_H profile image

What is worse? You and 2 girls or me and 6 boys? I have done 3 sleepovers for my ADHD son and his friends (who probably also had a tad of ADHD). I got through all of them with no regrets. There was just a big mess that took 3 days to clean up. Try and enjoy the memories your daughter will cherish forever.

seller profile image

Okay - I have to share a sleep-over story: my ADHD son was probably about 9-10. He had a birthday sleep-over with 3 other boys. I have no idea what time they went to sleep because they were in our basement family room, with sleeping bags, popcorn, and video games. In the morning I woke one of the boys up early because he had to be at a play try-out. Imagine my dismay when I realized that most of the boys had magic marker all over their faces - mustaches, dots, scars, etc all drawn on in purple, pink, blue, red!! I almost died because the kid who was going to the play try-out had the most marker on his face! My son and another kid had drawn all over these kids' faces when they went to sleep!! The saving grace was that it was washable marker, but for a minute there, I was seriously worried!! So the moral here - NO markers left out for ADHD kids and their friends!

Craft? check. painting and paper? check. Snacks, healthy and otherwise? check. sugar free lemonade? check. blankets and sleeping bags washed? check. Checked with friend's mom's re movies she can watch? check.

Reminding self to put away paints before bed? check. (that is hilarious seller.)

Yay! ready to go!

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to

I knew you were a super mom and then you told us you washed the sleeping now you have been elevated in my book, Queen possibly?

It went great! They baked and they painted and played dress up and then we all watched a movie in my bed and then eventually they both fell asleep in a heap! I made them breakfast this morning and then they went to the playground and made slime! Not one fight. I am just SO thrilled for my daughter beause she has so many social issues. Thank you all for your support and suggestions!

Pennywink profile image
Pennywink in reply to

HOORAY!! That is amazing & so awesome to hear. 😊

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to

I was so excited to read this! So not something you could do that often... but so great for all 3 of you...

Now she can look back and have those memories You are so wonderful! Jealous a bit...

in reply to Onthemove1971

onthemove c'mon now, we all know YOU are the queen! It was a lot of fun. They wanted to do it again next weekend, I was like.....we'll see (in my head I'm screaming NO) once in awhile will be really good though!

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 here, ha ha.

I have a boy and all of his close friends are big and smelly! Not kidding I love them but I am not even sure how their families make enough $$ to keep these 5'9 ( ?) Feed. I would want to do fun things like have an ice cream eating contest or how many marshmallow can you stuff in your mouth... I will just keep dreaming of the event.

On a serious note it's so great that she like other kids could have this amazing experience together and her friend's family can trust her and you to do this.

Our son never sleeps anywhere else than with us. So when he gets a chance I scream about it.

Thanks for sharing your journey,

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