Just wondering how long until you noticed a difference with the medication? Anyone see anger issues when they are coming off it in the evening? Only on day 2 and I believe we have seen some improvements already! Thank you
How long until you notice the effect ... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
How long until you notice the effect of medication any children report some increased anger ?

Hi, medications vary and you can question the doctor about this. In general medications can take effect within a few hours or within several days. Yes, I have experienced mood swings and anger when my child is on medication. Keep notes of when the medication wears off and any mood changes. You can share your notes with the doctor who can make adjustments to dosage amounts and dosing times.
My son is 10yrs. old. He as been having extreme bouts of anger off, and on for about a year now. After several incidents in a row, Including a suspension from school, I was at my wits end! I took him to the Dr. and explained what was happening. I’m so glad I did! He increased his medication dose, and added intuitive. I have seen drastic results. This is why HDHD. Is so complex
I sent send on accident. I was for so long chopping these behaviors up as “normal” behaviors for ADHD. I didn’t realize, that there are medications to add, that can help. We start behavioral therapy soon, and I feel so much better. I was a complete wreck for a while, worried about him at school, and at home. The lesson I learned is I need to start journaling my sons behavior, and I need to discuss concerning behaviors with his Dr.
I am the parent of a 31 year old man with life-long A.D.H.D. There most certainly was a noticeable problem when he was coming off medication, along with the fact that the drugs gave him violent stomach pain and we had to take him off of them altogether (and we were pressured by the schools ever since to get him back on them). When your child is at the end of a cycle of a dose, there is a noticeable mood swing effect and the child can become more hyper and very hostile. Unfortunately, we were advised badly by doctors, nurses, school principals, school psychologists, and even the school bus driver (huh?) to deal with this by giving him MORE medication (to keep a bus driver happy?) We lived by the philosophy of "are the academic and social benefits from the medications justifying the side effects (and there are many of them)?" In our case with our son, the answer was "no." The school psychologist had a mother of an ADD son call us and tell us that "we are enjoying our son more with the medication and the side effects are well worth it." For whom exactly was it worth it for? Certainly not the child. These are difficult things that have to be discussed with the pediatrician, a neurologist and within your family. Please remember, school districts just want your child medicated so they won't be behavior problems for THEM. In the end, the decision is YOURS, not the doctor's, school nurse or psychologist's, or anyone else. You know your child best and will do what you believe is right for him. My son's skin changed color and he looked like he was a cancer patient on chemo. He had chest pains, violent stomach pain and mood swings and hostility when the meds were wearing off. If you can find a drug that has minimal and low level side effects and your child does better in school and in social and family relationships, I am not opposed to medication. But tread carefully and do not trust the teachers and schools in these matters. Best of luck to your family. Wendy Kirkpatrick
Yes it is so heartbreaking. When we had a hearing for my son with some special ed personnel, he said "there's something wrong with me." I almost cried at the hearing. Each school is different. Maybe where you teach, there is not the same emphasis on the use of medication. Some districts have a better system in place for Special Ed. services. We however, were pressured to medicate our son because some bus driver complained he was too wild on the bus (as a result of an earlier does of Ritalin). Excuse me but how does placating a bus driver help him make friends, get a good education and develop self-esteem? His kindergarten teacher said he has to take Ritalin or he would "be a behavior problem." Some districts do not have a good team in place for special needs children and some do. I'm glad if you are in a better district.
Yes I agree that is not a valid reason to medicate teachers and staff need to also learn new tools to deal with different students. We are in Northern Canada which has disadvantages because we live in a small town but maybe an advantage to work more Individually with students.
No. I live in White Plains, NY. If you want, we can email each other. My address is wendykirkpatrick@msn.com
Write any time and we can compare notes and get to know each other.
Medication can cause anger when wearing off. But it can also increase anger after being on it for a short period of time. A couple of times when they have gotten angry on medication the doctor has suggested increasing it. That turns out to be a disaster it's such trial-and-error