I just responded to a lady looking for a book regarding how a child feels about having ADD or ADHD. I self-published a book on Amazon.com and Createspace.com called "I have ADD and I'm Proud to Be Me." I did my own illustrations as well. The cost is about $10.00. I have a B. A. in Psychology and a Minor in Art but I wrote it from the perspective of a child.
When my son was young, as a boy with ADHD, I could never find a book that described the condition from the child's perspective. Children with this condition experience trouble in school, difficulty making friends, some rejection, annoyance from teachers, doctors who want to medicate them with drugs that make him sick, unresponsive Special Education Department where parents have to fight for help, loss of self-esteem and parental anguish and frustration. I tried to address all these issues and more from the child's viewpoint and make it an enjoyable and helpful family reading experience that will give insight into how everyone in the family feels about dealing with ADD and ADHD.
I wrote and illustrated this book from my heart and I sincerely hope it brings help to all other families going through pain because of the enormous love they feel for their child who is having trouble processing the knowledge of a learning disability and learning to live with it.
Sincerely, Wendy Kirkpatrick