Any anyone used either Learning Rx Cebter or Brain Balance Achuevenent Centers for ADHD? Did you notice any inprovement?
Learning Rx Center or Brain Balance A... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Learning Rx Center or Brain Balance Achievement Centers
We did an evaluation and decided to spend our money on home behavioral therapy (which has been amazing). A friend of ours used them to help their dyslexic child and they had no changes. The center tends to blame parents who don't follow the program to a T for the lack of success. Good luck
Wiola, how does the home behavioral therapy work?
It's essentially a therapist who comes to your home and helps the entire family by changing behaviors. If you have other kids in addition to your adhd child you will be amazed how much of your help the non-adhd child needs. You will need to learn how to parent your adhd child as conventional methods don't work. That's were the behavior therapist comes in.
Also, unlike brain balance your insurance may cover a portion of the bill for a behavioral thetapist.
my daughter went to brain balance for 1 year. we saw dramatic improvement while participating in the program, but 1 year out behaviors are beginning to return. the director had told us she may need to return for another session if behaviors return. this program is extremely expensive and time consuming. their main focus is to get your kids off of medication. it seems their were many families that had to return repeatedly. So I would say its a personal decision for you. based on time, and money.