Hi... I’m a teen girl and I have adhd. Most people at school don’t understand and won’t listen. My body can’t focus and I can’t keep still in class and I struggle. Can I talk to an adult about my feelings and may be someone can help?
Struggling with being accepted - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Struggling with being accepted

Have you or your parents sought medical intervention or counseling to help with coping? It’s sad, but unfortunately people in general are severely undereducated about this diagnosis.. coming from a mother of child with adhd.. you’re not alone sweetie, and having adhd makes you a very special person with a brain that works in amazing ways. 😘
Im just too shy to talk to a counsellor. I just don’t understand why kids and teachers at school are so mean and I feel upset about how my brain works🙁
Don’t! Your brain works in amazing ways; and like I said a lot of people just don’t get it.. don’t be shy love. Go to a counselor, and god willing if it’s a good one you will make great strides.. there’s an amazing book called ‘All Dogs Have ADHD’ and it’s wonderful! It really helped our family to explain our son and his demeanor. Have you talked with your parents about how you’re feeling?
It just seems like my brain does not work like the other kids at school and it’s hard. I don’t like to always have a EA at school that takes me out of the room to help me learn because I feel like I’m not normal. I never talk to my parents because I think they don’t under stand and I don’t want them to worry about my adhd
First things first.. go to your parents and explain.. if they don’t understand, have them google ADHD or have them get on here and get in touch with me.. you have to love if you are every going to get in touch with the things to help you. And you are normal.. I promise. Your brain is just wired differently, and trust me you aren’t alone.. and I know it feels like that sometimes, but kids your age don’t understand because as you mentioned their brains don’t work the same. And if school is trying to pull you out to help you, do it. Even if you are embarrassed this help is what you need.. and if kids are mean then they aren’t really true friends anyway. And I know the age you are now, they mean a lot but sweetie in the long run, they don’t mean anything. You have to do what you need; no matter what. Have faith, and you will succeed.
Hi! Being a teen is so very hard. It gets better, I promise! The fact that you are reaching out for help really shows that you are a thoughtful and mature person. It's very humbling to improve ourselves. My daughter is only 10, but she really likes a book called, "Growing Friendships". This book even helped me at 41 to understand things about social interaction that I never picked up on my own. My daughter has found it helpful in the friends department. She will be attending a social skills group where she can practice the skills. This is not anything to feel strange about. Social/pragmatic skills are something many people with and without diagnoses need to learn. It's simple, but has to be learned and practiced. You may find it reassuring and helpful to find a group like that with other teens in a mixed diagnosis group. They evaluate you and put you with teens on the same level of functioning. It can be likened to a less formal etiquette class. Try to talk to your parents. Tell them you're looking for help. Oh, and check out the YouTube channel, 'How to ADHD'. The girl who makes them has ADHD and is so fun and helpful! I think you'll love her! Good days ahead for you! Just keep going, one day and one step at a time. *hugs*
Please talk to your parents. You can also talk to your pediatrician. They may be able to prescribe you something to help you. I have 2 teenagers with ADHD/ADD. School and socializing can be very difficult during your teen years. Kids can be very mean. Definitely seek out adults you are comfortable talking to.
I don't have ADHD but I was painfully shy as a child and teen. Looking back I lost so many opportunities because I was too afraid to speak to anyone, try to make new friends Etc. I am now president of my church group. It took me a long time to get here pushing myself a little bit at a time.
If there's a teacher, school nurse, or counselor you feel comfortable with please try talking to them.
Oh girl... something I learned first hand, be unfront and honest! I struggled for many years with an issue I had, all because I wasn't honest with my doctor(s), or my parents growing up, because I felt as though my parents did not care, or that they would not take me seriously i was afraid people would look at me differently. I am a grown adult now, and I just recently opened up to my primary care doctor (that I have had for 8 years!) She looked at me like I had two heads and asked "Why haven't you said anything before now? I could have gotten you the help that you needed 8 years ago!" Please don't let your fears hold you back from bettering yourself. Talk to someone...