I wanted to post an update on my 7-year-old son Luke who started taking Vyvanse in early December. I'm happy to report that this medication seems to be working well and we even increased his dosage from 10 mg. to 20 mg. The experience with this drug is so much better than Focalin, which made him withdrawn, irritable and depressed. Since starting Vyvanse, we have seen his grades dramatically improve and his teacher says she can clearly see his ability to now focus in class. The best part is, Luke is still the funny, silly, loving boy we love so much! I'm so grateful that things seem to be looking up and am very grateful I found this forum to share experiences with other parents going through the same thing.
Vyvanse working well: I wanted to post... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Vyvanse working well

My son who’s 9 just started recently taking vyanase I don’t feel like I’ve seen a huge difference. In your experience what do you feel like changed? And did you notice any negative side effects while he was on it. Thanks for any advice you have!
The only negative side effect I have seen is a decrease in his appetite at lunchtime. So we make sure he eats a big breakfast before school and dinner later in the evening. We immediately noticed that he was calmer and had a much easier time staying focused vs. when he wasn't taking it. This has been a huge difference from our experience with Focalin which made him noticeably withdrawn, irritable and depressed - even at the lowest dose. We kept him on that medication for a week to give it a chance, but quickly realized that the side effects he was experiencing were not worth any improvements in ADHD symptoms. Vyvanse has been a game changer for my son's ability to do well in school, without changing his personality in any way. It really is a game of trial and error, and it can be hugely frustrating until you find the right medication that works for your child. Maybe Vyvanse isn't the right medication for your son. Or maybe he just needs a larger dose. The only advice I can give you is to stay in constant contact with his doctors to figure out the best course of treatment. If you feel something isn't working, tell them immediately so they can work with you to come up with plan B. Hang in there and please keep me posted. I'm happy to help in any way I can!
Thanks so much for all the advice! We go to see his doctors in a few days, honestly I think the dosage may be a little too low. I notice he’s a bit calmer and more focus just not a huge difference, but I like the medication because there’s no real negative side effect. Thanks again though I appreciate it!
Our son also takes 20mg Vyvanse....and has been for going on 5 years now. It has definitely been an improvement. His cousin also takes it and is in 9th grade now and has been on same (but 30mg) since 3rd grade.
Hello...new to this website & first post. My 9 yr old was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago & has been on Focalin since that time. i don't generally give him his meds on wkds or vacations, because I like to keep them to a minimum - pretty much just school. For this reason I don't get to see him on his meds too often. A cpl of mos ago we increased his meds to 10mg, based on his teacher's eval. & have recently seen him on them & was so upset to see how quiet & withdrawn my normally happy & chatty son became. I believe it's serving it's purpose at school so I'm so torn as to what to do. I hate the idea of messing around with this type of med., but have learned now from your posts & others replies & may now consider it at his next appt.. May i ask if you or any of your followers have gotten involved in behavioral therapy (the real reason I logged on tonight)? And do you see a psychiatrist as well. I'd ideally like to find a local support group or counselor to discuss these concerns with, in person, but felt drawn to your posts. Thanks for your openness.
That's exactly how I felt when I saw my energetic, happy boy become somebody I literally didn't recognize. I think switching medications is a good thing. It's like having an allergic reaction to penicillin and realizing you have to take something else to treat an infection. You have to find what works for him. My son's response to Vyvanse has been a totally different, and very positive experience. I wouldn't hesitate to look at other medication options that will be a better fit for your son's chemistry. We did just start going to a child psychologist who is going to help him develop better skills to control his impulses and make better choices. Just had our first appointment yesterday and it seemed to go well. We're going to go every two weeks and see how it goes. Good luck and keep us posted!
we have an appt with the pediatrician tomorrow & I will certainly be addressing the medication concerns. I will also be asking for a psych. referral who specializes in ADHD. Did you find yours from this website or did they come referred? I hope you find it beneficial; look forward to hearing your feedback. And hope he's still thriving on the Vyvanese.