I am 45 I got diagnosed with a degenerative disease of my lumbar spine in July 2011. I also have lymphoedema. To cut a long story short I have been through hell and high water to get put on a medication plan to help with my conditions. I am still taking my medication but I am in chronic pain. The problems started with me when my old Dr tenure was up and he retired. My new Dr has always been kept in the loop as I used to see her when my primary was off. Since he retired at the end of 2016 I have suffered more and more with pain. At first I was sent a letter to ask me to reduce my medication as they believed I was taking to much. To be seen to be listening and being collaborative I agreed to reduce my medication by 120mg daily As time has gone on I developed bites on my leg that developed into an awful infection I had 10-12 Drs appointments with as many antibiotics and creams. I went to A&E on 2 occasions. I eventually had to spend 8 days in Hospital. I then went for further tests and I was told after 5-6 previous diagnosis I had lymphoedema which is absolutely excruciating at times. Coming to my back I have been seen by Orthopaedic Specialist's, Physiotherapist Specialist's, Pain Management Specialist's who diagnosed me with degenerative disc disease. I was given a pain management plan which was followed by 2 Drs . My Dr before he retired wrote to me and requested I attend a Specialist Input and review due to the amounts of medication I was taking . It was looked and reviewed and my perscription carried on. Since I have reduced my medication by 120mg MST Continus (Morphine) I have suffered ever since. I am a 45 year old Male that certainly doesn't have the quality of life of someone my age. in fact my quality of life and day to day activities are poor. I have had no sexual relationships or even female contact which is humiliating to say.
I contact my Dr and explain that I am in pain and need help her response is that it is now theory that being on a high dose of pain medication or taking more pain medication isn't the correct working practice. I have literally got to the end of my tetherand I am getting upset which only stresses me out also exacerbates my conditions. It's either that or I will get angry. I don't know if she is doing it to make me angry I am not sure. If any one can help and advise me on my situation I would be much obliged.
Thank you