I would like to know if anyone has tried DULOXETINE for PN? I have tried pregabalin and amitriptyline with no success A physio recommended duloxetine but I was wary of trying yet another drug with no success so anyone with good results please let me know Thanks
Peripheral Neuropathy: I would like to know... - Action on Pain
Peripheral Neuropathy

I really feel they are all very much the same. I am trying to come off Gabapentin as it is not helping and the withdrawals are hell. Really struggling. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and nothing at all has helped. Saying that, I have not been on Duloxetine so it maybe the one medication that may help you. Good luck xx
Thanks for reply and good luck to you too in finding an answer! I've still got to try to get a gp appt. and see if they would be willing to let me try duloxetine. I did manage (with difficulty ) to wean off pregabalin but recently the PN was so bad I started taking it again - big mistake! I did read on computer that there is some sort of electrical treatment that is fairly new but is getting good results. Honestly I'm at the desperate stage, will be phoning this after noon to see if I can connect with gp
Hi. I am the same with Gabapentin. As soon as my feet flare I start them again but not this time as I realise they do not help. I will ask my doctor about Duloxetine but not sure if I want to get back on these sort of medication. Amitriptyline did not help either. I would be very interested how you get on with Duloxetine so please keep us updated. Take care xx
Hi. Have you been prescribed Duloxetine yet and, if so, how are you getting on with it? I managed to stop Gabapentin and back on a very low dose of amitriptyline which helps me sleep if nothing else! I was interested as to how you got on with your GP xx
Hi , yes I have been prescribed DULOXETINE but a very low dose, as gp said it was only suitable for diabetic neuropathy which I don't have. I have read that it helps with all sorts but did not argue as gp said if I thought it was helping he would prescribe a higher dose So far I haven't been taking long enough to know but have no adverse side effects so I will continue for longer then see if I can have increase. Was not my usual gp who phoned but he seemed understanding at least. Think if one gets any gp call one is lucky! I understand duloxetine is another difficult drug to wean off so I am erring on the cautious side and thinking hard about it as I found pregabalin difficult to stop even if it wasn't helping (good for sleep though!)
Thank you for replying. I had a word with my GP and he would not prescribe duloxetine and instead put me back on a low dose of amitriptyline. I did not argue with him so I am trying the amitriptyline again. I am pleased you have been prescribed duloxetine and I would be very interested as to how you get on with it. Good luck xx
Cautiously optimistic - thanks, will keep you updated but think I might need a higher dose ...taking it slowly though!
Hi ! Foxglove!How is the duloxetine working out ?
I am at crossroads wondering if i should try that or medical marijuana. I tried 25mg of Tramadol, one dose, gave me leg cramps for three days .
Hoping for the best for us,
Hi, indeed hoping for the best for us and all sufferers of neuropathic pain. I am quietly optimistic about the duloxetine - at least I'm no worse!!! and some days feel less discomfort. I think I need a higher dose but I'm waiting till January to ask dr. for it to give the med. a fair trial I did think about tramadol but as I have a somewhat addictive nature I was wary and after reading your comment think best not to! Good luck if you decide to try duloxetine
Thanks so much ! Good luck to you too.Whatever first-hand tips i get from here, and elsewhere, i rely on totally...taking surveys.
If something sounds to hard to handle, i seem to resist that one.
I sure hope you get on with duloxetine, as it gives others hope too.
Take care
Hi foxglove. Just a word of warning about duloxetine. It can be an absolute nightmare of a drug, especially if you ever come off it, the withdrawal symptoms are the worst ever, even at low doses. If it's helping you though, then that's great. I know we're all different and everyone goes through their own journey. I was on 120mg prescribed initially for depression, for 8 years. When I eventually came off it, I had the worst withdrawal symptoms ever, and I've come off various different meds during my life! But here's hoping it's helping you and if so, plan to stay on it for a long while!!