I have severe chronic nerve pain and on alot meds to control it. Iv been given oramorph for my break through pain as I'm on 20 mg May 2 in morning 2 in evening plus I'm on co codamol,sertraline,omeprazole. What I would like to know does any one use mst and oramorph for break through pain and what dosage. Thank you
Chronic nerve pain: I have severe chronic... - Action on Pain
Chronic nerve pain

MST is an extended release opiate and Oramorph is the one for breakthrough pain if the MST is not enough. I am a bit surprised that you have co-codamol as well as MST Man Oramorph. . Generally the co-codamol is stopped once you move onto morphine.
If it's nerve pain then nortriptoline may be used.
Dosage for any of these drugs is dependent on an individuals degree of pain and their tolerance to that opiate. Being on pain medications increases tolerance and hence the dose might increase.
I was on MST 30mg X2 but that was after a couple of years . I no longer take it but am on oxycodone.
Hope this is of some use
Thank you for replying I am going to ask about that medication you suggested because every day at the moment is a living hall. Is oxycontin stronger then?
I don't think it is stronger.I changed because it wasn't giving me the pain relief that I had had before. I also lost a lot of weight as it made me nauseous.
Did you ask for it or doctor suggest it. I have alot of trouble with my surgery I will only see one doctor as he's only one who took his time to help me. The other gps there robbed me off. One gp there gave me a muscle cream that you can buy in the chemist he would not listen at all and I was in and out in 5 mins. Plus the prescription clerks are so judgemental and rude. I have complained twice about how have been treated there
I take oxy its very good for pain it is an opiate which mean the dosage has to increase doctor dont like givan it to you for that reason .it takes my pain away for at least 3hr at time suzey x