Today visited queens square hospital for my gamma knive. Arrived at 7am and left about 3pm, so it was a long day. My actual treatment was 90 minutes, the mri scan about 30min, the frame fitting and removal 30 min and the rest of the time was waiting but i was given a room to stay in, tv to watch and was looked after really well, had 2 coffee and a croissant. Couldn't use my mobile, no reception but it was fine when i went onto the hospital guest wifi. So whatsapp came in handy. So, the frame fitting was what i was dreading, I was fitted with the new model frame, which is more open and lighter. Was feeling quite nervous, but it was ok. Not as bad as i imagined. The only part that was slightly uncomfortable, was when they injected the 2 sites at the back of the head, which was quite sensitive also tightening up the screws. At that point i felt a lot of pressure, but did ease off. Removing the frame, again i felt pressure but eased off. I did take 2 paracetamol, that might of helped. Having the mri scan and the treatment was long but manageable, i suggest trying to have a nap. Also you do have to get yourself in a position where you feel comfortable because laying down with the frame fitted does feel strange but you do adjust. So far im feeling ok, no headaches. Ive looked at the pin sites, at the moment they look like a small needle mark. Have been told to keep plasters on for 2 days. I did notice the plaster was moist, not sure if thats normal. Maybe i should take the plasters off ?
Had my gamma knife procedure today at... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
Had my gamma knife procedure today at queens square,lovely doctors/nurses. Went well, but glad its done

Thanks for that information. It's helpful to know what happens and what to expect. It's always something i have been dreading with being bolted down in a mask so good to know the design is more open now. That's great that you didn't suffer with major headaches after, hopefully the treatment will be a success
THANKYOU for putting your experience on the forum about your gamma knife treatment. As I have been offered the treatment and have had reservations about it. After reading this I feel a bit more confident about it. Hope you continue to do well.
You’ve done so well, and it’s so kind of you to share the experience for others to know what to expect. Any worries about the damp plasters, just ring your skull base nurse. Now for healing and recovery ( there is a lot going on in there) so make sure you are very gentle with yourself, keep very well hydrated and eat little and often ( high protein) to help with any fatigue that can set in. All the very best. I’m 14 months on from treatment and feel absolutely great now!
Thank you all for your lovely comments
My experience too.
Removing the frame was very painful for the initial 25 minutes but fine afterwards.
The fluid you talked about was blood serum. Mine took over 2 hours to stop.
Hello, I had gamma knife treatment last week and my experience was very similar to yours. I felt humbled by the size of the team working that day for my benefit. I am wondering if you had any side effects from the treatment and if so how long after the treatment did they start? Thanks
Hiya, so it's been nearly 6 months since my treatment and apart from the occasional headache and feeling a bit dizzy, i don't really feel that my symptoms have worsen or really had any synificent side effects , although since the treatment I have noticed my upper eye lid twitches which could be an indication that the tumour is still growing. I was told that i would have to wait for up to a year to see hopefully any positive changes. Fingers crossed
Thank you, I was hoping that is what happened to you. I have been feeling fine since the treatment with only an occasional mild headache and soreness on the spot from the helmet points. . I have been given a telephone appointment in one year. I hope your recovery continues well and that you get some good news.