Good morning,
I've struggled with a bit of tinnitus for a while so eventually contacted my GP about it 2 years ago. I also often feel a bit dizzy and stuff but I'm a long term Hypothyroidism and pernicious anaemia patient, so that kind of comes with the territory!
GP sent me to Specsavers for a hearing test, which I believe showed age related hearing loss, more so in my right ear, but very minor. Everyione was quite happy with that. Followed up with the GP only this year as the tinnitus seems a little worse, and he said he'd get me to ENT for a second opinion.
I had ENT on Monday. They told me I have slight hearing loss in one ear which I was very surprised about - everything always sounds dead centre to me, including my tinnitus. Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, because it now, only a few days later, feels like the tinnitus is mainly on my left.
ENT told me because my symptoms are not unilateral, albeit only slight, I need to have an MRI to check for an AN. He added is precaution and he thinks I don't have one, and if I do they're generally very small and slow growing that it'll probably just be moniotred.
Then I used Google and am actually quite scared. I don't ever remember being scared about my body before and the anticipation is bothering me.
I don't know what I want to achieve from this post. Looking for similar experiences perhaps? Can my brain fool me into thinking everything is ok? The tinnitus I mean, now feels weighted to my left but it didn't before the appointment. I think I'm going nuts. I've been told it could be 3 months before the MRI.
I'm 42 male. Does anyone have any similar experience? Is there any way I can get the scan sooner?