Hi, I have scan date to exclude AN..how long should it take please?
How long does MRI with contrast take ... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
How long does MRI with contrast take for AN please?

Hiya. Mine lasted 30 minutes in total but that included getting the dye sorted etc. I was actually only in the scanner for 10-15 minutes. Good luck
PHEW!! thank you! Online said up to 2 hrs!
It's been a while since I had one with contrast but they'll be some forms to go through and someone will explain what's going on etc. I can't remember if there was any wait time for the dye but I don't remember being in the scanner for much longer than an MRI without contrast although all appointments aren't necessarily the same. See what others come back with but I doubt they'll advance to 2 hours. Wishing you lots of luck
Hi, it was about 35 minutes in total for me. Nothing to worry about. Machine is a bit noisy. Sounds like it is trying to digest a big meal. Just relax and before you know it you will be done. Take care.
The actual scan is very quick, about 10 mins and then you have to wait for 10-15 mins after before you can go home. I was terrified at the thought of having it at first but had quite a few now, one just last week.
Hi I agree with smithy. 10- 15 minutes for scan which is very noisy, make sure you are comfortable as you have to lie perfectly still. And they put a frame over your head, I just keep my eyes closed for whole time. And rest is dye that is like having a blood test and filling in forms. Try to make sure you don't have any clothing or jewellery on with metal in. You will be fine.
I think it varies there are many machines new and old and can vary also with contrast about half an hour roughly. I just pretend zi am on a beach sunbathing.
Mine took 20 - 30 minutes it probably took them longer to find a vein to put the dye in. My advice drink plenty of water before scan as if you were having a blood test so they can find vein easier. It was probably an extra 10 mins than my first MRI scan x
I had three MRI scans for my AN and both times with and without contract so in total at least 50 minutes which included stopping after first scan to inject dye for contract scan. Got my results online the next day but doc went over report after I had a video meeting appointment for the next week. Was glad I could get results right away though.
I think the scans with the dye that I have had are 20min tops. Make sure they turn up the music.
Good luck