Hey. I'm new to this website so I just wanted to post a blog so anyone reading my questions, answers or blogs knows a bit of background about me. I'm 16, bisexual, I live in Essex and have been attending Sixth Form for a few weeks. I've suffered from depression for pretty much all of my secondary school life and I've been suicidal for the past year and taken several overdoses. I've been on prozac (fluoxetine) in the past and am on lustral (sertraline) at the moment since prozac wasn't working for me. That's pretty much it, if anyone wants to message me any time if they're feeling particularly bad I'll do my best to listen and help if I can.
New Here.: Hey. I'm new to this website... - Above & Beyond - ...
New Here.
Hi, I'm relatively new here as well. My clinical depression began offically at your age when I had a near fatal suicide attempt. I was hospitalized and treated which was a wonderful experience for me. It didn't make life any easier as the normalcy I learned of in hospital was not on the outside for me. Now I'm 40 and I have kids who are about your age. I'm from Missouri, USA. Am Native and Afro-American and have always been dealing with issues of identity and gender which sometimes expresses itself as sexuality issues. After the suicide attempt I became a runaway and street kid on the streets of New Orleans where I also got into my spirituality on a deeper level. I remember that the trend in my youth was to call everything a chemical imbalance and hope that's not what they say about you because it's fairly outdated. Prozac was around when I was your age and just as off and on effective as it is now. I'm leary of it as a prescription for someone with the hormonal changes of youth since those are complicated to deal with. Is Essex and your family easy on you about your sexuality? Do you have good queer support?