is your illness destroying your life stopping you do most things in life like going out
if you have had depression for such l... - Above & Beyond - ...
if you have had depression for such long time do you feel theres is no answer to your illness

I have had depression on and of since I was 12. I have lots of counciling over the years which helps at the time, then you have to go away and try some how to get on with you life. What fun that is, as soon as you stop having help your head seams to go right back to ware you started depressed anxious and wanting to die the darkness sets back in, all you want to do is stay in bed and not face the world . I could go on and on but I am sorry if this doesn't help this is how I see it x
I find that my depression waxes and wanes, but is always there. I have come to accept it, and just try to get extra help when things are really bad, and also try to enjoy better times.
I think that most people have this illness in there lives, and at the time particularly when it goes on and on it feels as if it may never go.
I found going to a psychiatrist to sort my meds was the most helpful thing, they are the best people to evaluate you, and know the most about the medications.
Perhaps you could be referred. Please don't be afraid to make a fuss, you deserve a good quality of life. best wishes Caz
thank you for the comment caz i agree with what you say im seeing a hypnotherapist now after trying all different things cbt councillors etc the last few weeks ive found it hard to go out but managed to go to speedway last night just hard sometimesto think postives when the negtaives take over but at least the sun is out so been out in the garden hope you having good weekend best wishes duncan
I had work related depression (was bullied and singled out by certain employees). Am not blaming work entirely but reckon it was the main cause. Was given anti-depressants but the side effects made me feel really bad. Gave up my job which I thought would cure everything.That did give me some hope but still feel very inadequate as not earning and feel like a burden to my husband.
But saying that have done things that I would never have the time to do before. Am doing an online teaching course which I love. Met up with people I haven't seen for ages. Also thought people would judge me but it's amazing how many others have gone through what I have and felt at times worthless and depressed. It is more common than we think. It's just a shame it took a crisis like a breakdown for me to realise what was wrong.
I hope everyone out there that is suffering the effects of depression (yes, a real illness) is getting the help and support they need. I am fortunate, my other half has been an absolute rock and I have a circle of friends that have been there for me. But If you need support, talk to others on sites like this. You are not alone.