I was overdrawn by 49¢ and got charged $32. I was preparing to bitch up a storm, but I had been assured by friends that since it was a first time mistake banks normally waive the fee. Consequently, I went in calm requested a printout of my account and simply asked the cashier, "Who can I speak to about a $32 fee for a 49¢ overdraft."
All she said was, "Oh, I see." Then she pointed to where I should sit and wait.
The matter was handled without any flipping out with anger and threats of disrespecting the bank on Facebook, YouTube and any other social media places. Long ago I worked in a newsroom for a nearby newspaper and was prepared to inform them that I was prepared to write a news release. I am much happier with a peaceful solution.
Furthermore I'm almost as happy with myself because this is my fifth day without a cigarette or hitting an e-cigarette, and I didn't cave in to tobacco due to the stress of the overdraft/fee business.