So here is some of the things that supposedly make me rude. First time it was because I was moping one side of the store where the coffee is at and I'm finishing mopping when this guy comes towards the area that is moped and smart xxx me decides to warn him "it's wet" so he says what do I care I just want my coffee so I answer I was just telling you because I dont want you to slip on the wet floor but I realized I should have just stayed quiet. Anyways he was mad because I was looking out for his safety. So that was one and I have had many other costumers that in honest are rude and uneducated. But today was a little worse. So last Saturday some lady claimed I was so rude which in my point of view and my brother's view I never was rude at all. Anyways she comes by to the store being I was busy with someone else I did not notice her at all. But my co-worker helped her this time. So this lady clearly is still mad from the weekend problem and decides she will talk to my co-worker about me. All i know is what later my co-worker told me. This lady started saying, I'm a xxxx xxxxx with bad attuide bad maners. Im a xxxxx and that she doesn't not give I damn if I overheard that but I didn't because we have music at the store and today (last night) it was really loud. Im in total shock that she came by just to call me a xxxx and a xxxxx😔😔 and after all that the next coworker come in for graveyard shift so I wanted to tell her about all that lady said about me. I start talking to her in Spanish telling her what this lady said about me. And yes I saw this costumer bring 2 bottled water so I grab one and scan it and still like in conversation with my co-worker this guy decides to butt in and started saying you are rude like I'm face got red because I was not expecting him to say something which in my point of view that was so rude if him. You are rude you have been rude to me I was like what is this about right but I stayed quiet and let him say all he wanted.
I'm the xxxx right, the rude one the Why in the world do you just getting into a converstion when it not with you. And I realized who he was it was the guy that had stepped on the wet floor. But honestly I didn't know who he was when he agreed Im rude. I was in total shock and so mad I felt like screaming in his face don't come back here if I'm rude😠😠