I'm worried that my partner has depression. We have been together for 5 years and living together for about 8 months. He has told me that he feels as though nothing makes him happy anymore and he feels like he doesn't like himself. Even the things that he used to enjoy like playing computer games doesn't make him feel any better. I think it is particularly isolating because he doesn't have any close friends. He goes to work, but rarely feels inclined to leave the house otherwise.
I want to help him and suggested he should talk to someone about it, but I think he is scared to. Is there anything I can do to help him if he won't seek medical advice? I have read that even simple things like taking exercise regularly can help... I want to be as supportive as I can but I am worried about doing the wrong thing or not doing enough. I would be really grateful for any advice or experiences that you might be able to share!