Serenity cream ( wellsprings ): Does anyone... - Women's Health

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Serenity cream ( wellsprings )

Oyveyme profile image
6 Replies

Does anyone know how long Serenity Progrsterone Cream takes to work. Using for menopause symptoms. Age 58. 

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Oyveyme profile image
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6 Replies
Braecoon profile image

Unfortunately progesterone on its own may not help with your symptoms as female bodies produce oestrogen and progesterone and they tend to work in synergy. Most menopause symptoms are usually oestrogen deficiency related and there are oestrogen receptors all over your body, including the brain and bladder. Progesterone kind of opposes oestrogen so taking this on its own may be further exacerbating your oestrogen deficiency symptoms. If you are worried about prescription HRT the most recent research has said that the earlier Women's Health research study had major flaws that caused wide scare panic years ago. The earlier you start HRT helps to offset some of the health problems raised in that early study. There are different types of HRT and those wanting a more bio identical type favour the oestrogen dermal patches. It is a bit of trial and error trying to find the right Type and dose of HRT that  works for you if you wish to go down that route. An excellent website to visit will give you more info about different types of HRT and alternative supplements/therapies, etc. 

allofatremor profile image

I tried this cream about 6 yes ago, and to be honest didn't think it was making any difference so I stopped buying it. As Braecoon explains its not that straight forward as we would like it to be. Get all the information that you can, do not go into going on HRT lightly, it's a big decision. 

Well I think it is because you are taking risks with any kind if medication. I like you am 58 yrs old, and gave suffered symptoms for the last 7yrs because I always thought my Mum did it without HRT so I will do without it also.

When things really got hard, I decided to give it a whirl, and blue me I was told I could not gave it as I had high Cholesterol. Then I was told by another doctor that HRT is good for cholesterol, any way in the end I got my cholesterol down, but decided once again not to go on it.

My friends swear by it, it's fantastic, gives you loads of energy, etc etc. One lady In Particular put me off as she suffered badly when she had to come off it after 10yrs on it, she went into a terrible depressive state for a long time after, another lady recently said to me if I'd done without it thus long give it a miss, because since she's come off it she is suffering from a vast amount of things, high blood pressure, cholesterol, dizzy spells, panic attacks. 

Sounds like I'm trying to put you off, but I am not I assure you, as only you can make the decision no one else. My sisters have all been on HRT, one thought it was fab, another said that coming off it was so bad, she wished she had gone without.

We are all so different, and it might be great for you, I think myself at 58 I don't want to take anything I can possibly do without, as I get older I have no doubt there will be meds I will have to take through other age related illnesses, so the less I take the better. Good luck 💚💛

June1965 profile image

Really pleased you posted this!! I was considering buying some, won't bother now....

Oyveyme profile image
Oyveyme in reply to June1965

Please read my last comment. Definitely worth a go.

Shirleywyatt profile image

I tried it a few years ago. I persevered and used the whole tub. Nothing!!

Oyveyme profile image

I have to say. I persevered. Am now on month four. Not a flush in sight!!!!!! I use a small amount, 1/4 teaspoon or slightly less. Twice a day, in the morning it's on a fatty area ( loads to chose from), and in the evening a thin area, say inside of arms, wrists, shin etc., NEVER on the breasts. It took two months to kick in. So in answer to my own question. It took a good eight weeks or so. I'm a happy bunny now. Definitely worth persevering with.

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