Weightlifting with Depression/SAD or ... - Weight training c...

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Weightlifting with Depression/SAD or Meds & ruined sport?

1 Reply

Hi all,

I am a weightlifter - my sport is my number one coping mechanism for my depression and SAD. Throughout the winter months, my depression tends to get quite bad and with COVID this year it's definitely been a bit of a rollercoaster.

I went on meds around March this year (Citalopram - a type of SSRI) and it completely destroyed all my gains. I lost 5 kg and about 50% of my overall strength. It took me a few months, but eventually I found out that Citalopram functions as a muscle relaxant and testosterone inhibitor - both pretty shitty for weight training or max effort sports of any kind...I might have been quite stable with my depression, but the problems with my sport made me upset in a whole other way. I cried, got angry, felt unhealthy, weak and completely beside myself. So I stopped taking the meds.

Now it's winter and my depression is in full swing again. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything, I can't get out of bed, I cry and am irritable all the time...The usual I guess.

So I'm facing a trade-off: either take meds to save me from this shit but ruin my only real passion/hobby in the process. OR have my sport as a coping mechanism but deal with this depression and the highs and extreme lows that come with it for an indefinite amount of time...

I honestly don't know what's worse. I'm not willing to give up my sport but the thought of living with this depression is killing me too. Does anybody have any experience with this or tips on how to handle it?

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Hi, I’m new here & I too am a weight lifter, I was trying to become pro but sadly Fibromyalgia put an end to that dream.

I’m not taking any med for my Fibro, other than pain killers & Propranolol because they keep my migraines at bay (one of the symptoms of my Fibromyalgia).

I completely hear you about lifting keeping you sane right now, to be fair I’m exactly the same, despite the doctors telling me every time I speak to them that I shouldn’t be lifting weights in my condition- but in all honesty lifting helps me manage the physical pain I am in 24/7 so I’m not giving it up any time soon!

With regards to your meds & their impact on your gains, I personally would keep taking the meds because they are working for your depression, the negative impact they have on your hobby is something you can review once the world get back to something resembling normal - you really should not stop taking your meds without medical supervision & advise.

Maybe you can look at changing things up with your routine - what routines do you do? Do you follow a specific program, or do create your own?

I create all my own routines, depending on my goals at the time - I’ve had to give up Strongman because I can’t carry weights, but I am still pretty good on the static lifts; I love Powerlifting & train it once a week, I enjoy lifting for reps, because I lost a lot of strength through Fibromyalgia & going for my 1RM got depressing, because it’s only 50% of what I used to be able to lift.

Anyway, I’m not sure my reply has helped any, but hopefully you feel less alone in your struggle ... I’m always happy to talk strength, so you can follow me if you want a fellow lifter friend ;-)