Had a bbq last night planed what I could eat. Had that then there was lots a meat over another bit of chicken wouldn't hurt another sausage wouldn't be so bad that burger looks nice don't know how many calories went over had a very good week up too now.
Bbq mess up: Had a bbq last night planed... - Weight Loss Support
Bbq mess up

I'm no expert in weight loss but I'll tell you, the one thing that has really worked for me is forgiving myself for the slip ups and just getting back on the saddle the next day. Pretend yesterday didn't even happen. Appreciate the yummy food but don't let it depress you into giving up. You're only human. All the best
The same thing happened to me. I had a good week until yesterday. I had a bit extra of everything. Then I had a whole box of dried dates like 500 calories. I didn't realise at the time of eating it, it contained so much calories. What's done is done. Just try not to beat yourself up too much about it. If the weight goes up on Monday weigh in at least you know why. Anyway that's what am doing, it happened, let it go and make today a good day. Don't dwell on the slip ups.
We all have the odd blow out now and the were only human. Just get back on it the next day. Good luck
Agree with what everyone has said. Take it one day at a time. Yesterday was not ideal but today is a shiny new one so pledge something for today, only for today and feel great tonight when you succeed.
There is one thing to do before you chalk up yesterday to experience. Have a little think... what could you have done differently that would have stopped the spiral? For example, wrap left over food and fridge asap? Put left overs straight in the bin... or ask someone else to do it (I have been known to nibble it right up to dropping it in! And embarrassed to say sometimes got it out again 😳! ) or could you list what everyone ate for a better idea of quantity next time so you don't have so many left overs?
All this thinking will help you avoid the same behaviour next bbq.
Also I find analysing like this takes the emotion out of it.
Have a great day today. X
Exactly the same here! I think the way to look at it is: the food was delicious, I really enjoyed it and today I ll cut down. But yes, it was definitely too much food.
BBQ and buffets are very difficult areas for weight loss 😕 Apparently we are supposed to have a switch in our heads that tell us when we are full but I don't have one!! Lol 😊 I try really hard to get one plate of food then put it down and don't go back for seconds. If I am hosting then putting leftovers awsy in Tupperware box or tinfoil helps. Or giving to the dog. Or a tip my daughter taught me, squeeze washing up liquid over it! 😊
gareth0073 good luck today, onwards and downwards, don't look backwards, you're not going that way! 😊
Hi, I would suggest we all do it or have done it.......remember 'nothing tastes better than slim'......
It's called mindless eating and we all do it from time to time. At your next bbq use a plate put the food on you are going to eat, sit down & pay attention to your food. Better going more for chicken without skin than too many burgers & sausages but a little of what you fancy is good idea. Then no nibbling afterwards, no just one more peice of chicken etc. In a USA experiment with how many chicken wings would folk eat in a free buffet, some had a plate where they could see the remains of what they'd eaten, others had plate frequently taken away. Without evidence of how much they'd eaten both overweight & normal weight ate twice as much as those that had the plates of bones. Little changes can make a massive difference. It just takes time, but we can all get there. 😉
So what about the whole week you did well - have you praised yourself for that, posted what a great success that has been, then noted that there was one evening (not day) where you didn't keep your focus. As Aussieblues says, it's about keeping the focus, and as so many others say, it is hard and not entirely possible 24/7. Well done for keeping as on track as you have
That's fine! One bad night with 6 good nights is absolutely fine don't beat yourself up about it. I did the same we had Chinese and even ate some chocolate. Went to bed feeling a bit disappoint with myself but I'll be right back on it again from today. I actually felt rotten going to bed, bloated, indigestion, drowsy and it was only 9pm. So the healthier week was so much better for me.
In fact a friend of mine has lost 35lb doing exactly this. One day a week he eats whatever he wants. So maybe it's the way forward. Don't feel guilty feel proud that you stuck at it before that. And feel positive that it's not set you back at all.
All of the above! Well done for your 6 good days, accept we all make little slip ups, then get right back on track. My old mentality would be that if I had an evening where I felt that I had eaten too much off plan, I would then use that as an excuse to carry on overeating for days! I think as long as you move on and get back on track, and recognise all your hard work so far, you'll be fine ☺

Hi Gareth,
Wow, what great responses you've had to your post, and I can't think of anything to add - they are really motivational replies, and really helpful.

I went to a bbq last night too, between storms, did identical to you, I didn't drink alcohol though as I was driving otherwise it would have been worse. Never mind another day has begun.

Hi Gareth0073,
It's done now , you will feel better once you get back on track.Good luck you will be fine.
Hi gareth0073 , Isn't this your first barbecue since you started? It can take a while to develop strategies that work in every situation. I find, at social events, how much I've drunk already makes a big difference to how I eat. So if I was being perfect (not very often) I would keep my alcohol to as late in the event as I could. Since it sounds like your extras were mostly protein, it might not be as bad as you fear. I am a bit OCD about totalling up what I have had. So I do my best at estimating etc. Once I have it all written down and worked out, I find I can put it behind me, then. As I feel I know exactly what I have done. I would rather know the damage than continue in limbo guessing it. A very good week might well mean you've gotten away with it. Perhaps see if you can get a little extra exercise in between now and your weigh in.

Thanks everyone have much better day today started off with an hour run with my little virile on her bike at 6:30 then had a weigh in and was quite happy with the now sitting in the garden having salad tonight lol
Well done on the good week you had. I do the same. I have a great week then wham I eat a bit too much. I've noticed that I've still lost. Although this week I stayed the same. Focus on the good week you had, and the good week ahead
On Sundays I just eat what ever I want and still managing to lose weight, it's just one day a week life is too short. The 6 days of the week I follow my diet and exercise religiously, we are almost in summer time they'll be lots of BBQ, seaside trips and so on I don't intend to stick to a diet 7 days a week.
Enjoy yourself and don't feel guilty life too short. xx
I like that idea!